Sorry folks for not finishing this grow out properly. Life happened and things got crazy. So I will give a run down on what happened.
Mrs. Steel and I bought a new house around the middle of july and the stonedragon were deep into flower and looking great. Well, as life like to do, it threw us a curve ball. The timing worked out that we closed on the house the day I had to leave for work (I work away from home for 4 weeks at a time). So poor Mrs. Steel had to move from the old house into the new one pretty much by herself. The plants got moved first and set up in the garage in there tent and we're promptly forgotten about for almost a week. The poor girls got buried in boxes and when Mrs. Steel finally got to moving things from the garage into the house she suddenly remembered about the pants. Whoops.... Of course, as things would have it my poor wife had also started a new job and was transitioning to a night shift.
Needless to say the Dragons were bone dry and all the leaves were totally wilted. Mrs. Steel felt horrible but promptly ph'd some water and soaked the pots. The next day she called me at work and was very excited. Those tough old Dragons came back to life. There was a lot of damage and lots of leaf drop but those girls still came back. Now that is some crazy strong genetics.
We ended up getting a harvest of some very nice bud. So off of three "raised from the dead" stonedragon we got three quart mason jars of very nice tight potent bud. Thanks to Stone for his super natural genetics and all of my AFN family for your support.
Oh, and now that life has settled down and things are back to normal Mrs. Steel and I are back to Journaling and are here to help and learn as much has we can.
Thanks Folks, and happy growing.