Okay caught up, and subbed in... Here are a few thing to just keep in ind at all times. Sorry for the questions... I blame it on the Affie! haha. First off...
This is about the most important thing, patience. With many aspects, more time is needed.
Rule [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]: K.I.S.S. Keep in simple silly. With a lot of new growers, myself included. We get excited, and thats great, but kinda goes against the "stay patient" rule. My first grow I topped, supercropped, FiM'd,over watered, under feed, went inside, outside, and if I thought it looked cool on the forums, I tried it. Everything in that last sentence was a mistake for my first grow, and my harvest suffered badly. First learn the aspect of growing, and running an indoor environment. The different training methods can come in time, and when you can start to read the plants. Try to focus on just getting comfortable with the basics first.
With watering. This is in my opinion the most common issues with new growers. It happens to the best, and if it does, LEARN from it. However, lets try and avoid that in the first place. With your seedling, it is important to have a nice moisture level with out soaking the medium. Seedlings of any plant will do what know as "dampening off" if the medium is to wet, and it has a 99% death rate in my experience. I use a living soil, so my measurement of liquid will vary from coco, but I just use a spray bottle on the seedlings for the first week, sometimes longer if they are still tiny.
@Bailey and
@budelee (and other) can help more on the actual feed measurements.
Air circulations is
>>VITAL<<! I didn't see a fan in you pics, is there one in the tent? Are you using any kind of extraction fan? Do you have a carbon filter? If not I will go in to detail, but for now a circulation, and extraction/exhaust fan are very important, especially to get rid of a hps lights heat.
So far what have the temps, and humidity levels been at?
We like the social aspects here too... So do you have any pets? I have a rabbit and my wife has a cat, their both beast! The cat fights 40lbs dogs, and normally is the one walking away.. But... My rabbit scares the crap out of my wifes cat. Tickles the shit out of me every time. His name is Chief Thurgood Carbonfoot of the Clan Coldpoop, direct desendant of Thurgood Jenkins. Although he answers to Carbon Foot for friends and family.
Chat with you later!