Indoor AK in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
EDIT (3 months after thread was started): turns out this strain was not an auto.

Hello fellow growers! My bag-seed test-run is almost over. I already have a sprouted Auto AK. I'd like to share its progress with you. :D :D :D

Seed Info:
-Auto AK (Gea Seeds)-
Dec 29th (9 pm): Put to germinate in paper towel method
Jan 1st (9 am): 1 inch tap root already grown, so I transplanted it into moist peat mix ("Soil Enhancer" it says on the bag) and put into the tent (will be a few days under 18 hours of light, but then will increase to 20).
Jan 2nd-3rd: sprouted but didn't lose its husk.
Jan 6th (3 pm): real leaves and cotyledons are curling downwards. Gave some water for first time.
Jan 7th: real leaves seem to be recovering? hasn't lost the seed's shell.

Pictures (mostly taken in the morning):
Jan 2

Jan 3

Jan 4


Jan 5

Jan 6


Jan 7



Growing Specs:

-24" x 24" x 56" (2'x2'x4.6') grow tent.
-7 Lt hempy bucket with all coco-coir, and perlite in the reservoir
-One Autocob (3500K) from @BigSm0 at, placed 31-34" above seedling 18/6, and plan to let the seedling grow into the light unless it becomes obvious it needs more/less light.
-MC nutes. Still haven't fed the baby with them. Just plain-ph'd water (50 ppm, 6.0 ph)
-70 F min and 70% RH max during no-light... with light on it ranges from 75-78F and 50-60 % RH.​


And... that's it so far. Not sure if she's doing well since this is my first auto, but I was feeling something wasn't well... and then on the 6th her little leaf tips (real leaves) started pointing/curling-in downwards... it got me quite freaked out. I somehow concluded it was lack of water and gave her some. It kinda looks better, though. I'm very excited to see what comes from this auto!​
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Will definitely be following this grow, in the process of picking up some of these COBs at the moment, so looking forward to seeing what they can do.
You can get much better lights for that price point, have you seen the new QB96 Elite V2’s from Horticulture Lighting Group?

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This baby is a drinker! My photo seeds could be left for several days without water in that peat-mix and they wouldn't droop or anything. This Auto Ak can't be a day without water, its leaves start drooping. She has a long tap root coming out from one of the drain holes of the cup she is in which wasn't there last night... this root grew over night!

According to my calculations, she started her 2nd week today. Should I start giving her some Mega Crop?? I think i want to start giving her MC at 0.2 EC. I have MC and Cal-Mag pro.

Pictures (mostly taken in the morning):
Jan 8


Jan 9

Jan 10
hmmm today in the morning she was looking like this...

At midday I fed her Mc at 0.2 EC, ph 6.0... now at 7 pm she drooped a little and looks like this....

should i not feed yet?
Is this your first autoflower run? Just curious as to why you're germinating in a small cup.

With autoflowers, you typically want to start in the same pot that you finish in. One of the reasons for this is the transplant stress that will slow down the vital initial growth period. Secondary, is the way the tap roots on autos grow, vigorously downward. And you don't want to stop that development by having it hit the bottom of a small container sooner than it should.

I'd recommend transplanting immediately into a 20L pot and letting that tap root get some more space before your growth gets stunted.

Not sure what exactly is in your soil mix, I use an organic soil mix myself and only start feeding about 2-3 weeks into veg. Autoflowers don't need as much nutrients as photoperiods, so I would wait a little while before feeding if your soil has any nitrogen in it.
Is this your first autoflower run? Just curious as to why you're germinating in a small cup.

With autoflowers, you typically want to start in the same pot that you finish in. One of the reasons for this is the transplant stress that will slow down the vital initial growth period. Secondary, is the way the tap roots on autos grow, vigorously downward. And you don't want to stop that development by having it hit the bottom of a small container sooner than it should.

I'd recommend transplanting immediately into a 20L pot and letting that tap root get some more space before your growth gets stunted.

Not sure what exactly is in your soil mix, I use an organic soil mix myself and only start feeding about 2-3 weeks into veg. Autoflowers don't need as much nutrients as photoperiods, so I would wait a little while before feeding if your soil has any nitrogen in it.

yes it's my first auto!!!! Things did get worse once the tap root poked out that hole and my more than usual watering... lessons learned!
I will transplant today!

this is how she looks today! even droppier! :(


There will be a lot of lesson learning, but don't let that discourage you. The first grow will definitely be the biggest learning challenge and it will then get a lot easier...

You seem to be over-watering a bit looking at that soil. Or not enough drainage in the cup. Some heavier soils will hold moisture more than others, but she definitely shouldn't be sitting in soil that wet, hence the drooping.

Going forward with her, I'd suggest:

- Moving her into a 10-20L pot with moist, but not wet soil...
- Only water when you feel the container being nearly completely dry (probably once every 2 days or so, maybe less if in a cooler environment). Over watering will not give the roots the ability to establish as well.
- Not knowing the soil, maybe add just a very small amount of micros and veg nutrients to the soil (she looks a little bit light, but that's not uncommon with seedling stage, but does look a little like its running low on nitrogen with the inner parts of the leaves being lighter than the edge.
so... i transplanted her yeterday (jan 11) into her final pot (7 Liter , Coco Hempy Bucket -> 2 inch perlite at bottom, then all cococoir ).
I let her dry before transplanting, and once transplanted i watered the pot with MC at 0.2 EC, ph 5.8. That was at 7 pm... at 1040pm it was even droopier than before (no pics of that, sorry)... so not sure if transplant shock or still too much water or both. Let's hope she wakes up better.


@elunex , i'm going to try this 7 L container, but if it's too small i'll go into 10 L as you suggest. soil / organic is still a no-no for me.. tried several times and always got some bug, mostly spider mite and fungut gnats... maybe becuase i have several pets and we hike alot in all kinds of bushy/woody mountains.
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It's proving difficult to completely diagnose the issue. However, it should definitely be bigger than it is currently at this age. I'm typically at around node 3 or 4 after 10 days.

You can probably use the same feeding cycle as your photoperiods, just at 60-80% of the strength.

But something is causing it stunted growth, and I have a feeling it was the tap root suffering in the earlier stages, instead of being able to establish itself properly. You'll need to give it some time to recover from the transplant now (the reason why one wants to avoid any transplanting with autos), a week lost to recovery at this period is going to ensure a stunted plant. However, there should still be hope...

What light cycle are you running her at? I personally prefer 20/4 over 18/6, but 18/6 should be fine too. I'm just thinking more. Doesn't seem to be stretching much, so light intensity seems fine.