Outdoor AK Greenhouse Grow


Rainbow Trout, Green bud, and Bluegrass
Mar 29, 2015
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I've got a first time grow thread going over in that forum: Another AK Newbie First time Grow. .
But wanted to start a thread here to document my greenhouse grow.

First the greenhouse - it is built out of old re-purposed windows. . My wife asked me to build it for such a long time. I drug my feet, but glad I did in the end. Now I get excited just tinkering and finding ways to make it more efficient and hold heat longer.


Inside, we've got six "vertigrow" towers. We use them primarily for tomatoes on top and cucumbers and squash on the bottom half. We've got about 40 tomatoes planted (1/3 cherry, 1/3 stupice, and 1/3 'subarctic plenty').


Anyway, I have two starts of Dutch Passion Frisian Dew they ready to go in. They just sprouted this week. I'll keep them under the LED for another week or two before moving outside.

Also my buddy Darsh, had an Onyx that was showing it's more Sativa side of things and was getting too tall for his space, so we've added that to my greenhouse to finish her off. I am pretty excited to see how things work out with her. Since she's in a smart pot, I tend to move her around following the sun, while hiding a bit behind the towers and in corners so as not to be too obvious!

IMG_0245.jpg IMG_0244.jpg

The greenhouse is a little sparse now, but it won't be long until those tomatoes turn it into a jungle. While daytime temps are around 55 degrees outside, the greenhouse is getting up to 90 on sunny days and high 70s on cloudy days. I have a simple space heater in there at night, though temps are staying around 40.

All in all things are coming together and thank goodness for the new laws here in AK.
Sweet man, I will be fireing up my greenhouse grow here in about ten days when I get off work. So I will keep a eye on this thread. I got a couple photo sensitive plants started in the house now. A couple BC Mighty Mites which will go on the green house around the 20th and I'm gonna also start some auto's, Sour Spyder from Mdanzig and I think a some Blue Streak 2 from Mdanzig. Good luck!!!!
Good to hear Snowchicken. It will be great to compare notes, as this will be my first greenhouse grow. I might also start a photo or two, but we'll see. If you have any greenhouse growing advice, I am all years.
Not in particular, I always have a good vegitable garden but have never messed around with my greenhouse much. It's needed work since I bought the place but never had much reason to fix it up until now. My wife has been on my ass for a few years as well so she will be happy!! Mine is pretty small but should do the trick. Last time I tried anything in it I got aphids really bad.
Last year we had aphids on our veggies in the greenhouse and wound up putting in several batches of lady bugs. totally did the trick. So long as the greenhouse is mostly tight, they hang around a long time and gobble up the aphids.
I can completely vouch for the effectiveness of ladybugs. They are hungry little critters and way more effective than any pesticide. We had aphids in our veggie patch, threw in some ladybugs, and within 24 hours all was well and the aphids never returned.
I can completely vouch for the effectiveness of ladybugs. They are hungry little critters and way more effective than any pesticide. We had aphids in our veggie patch, threw in some ladybugs, and within 24 hours all was well and the aphids never returned.
Cool, no pesticides for me!!!!
Thanks trailanimal! Glad to see another Alaskan (I assume) in this little AK-AFN posse that seems to be congregating here.

I'll keep an eye out for your grow.

And if you've any advice for me, I'm all ears. Cheers