Indoor AK 47 White Widow Dhaze 99 Test grow

I read some about the lucas formula... correct me if im wrong, but its pretty much the closest you can get to growing organically in pure coco? Using soil-based nutes? Someday im gonna go for the coco-nut badge but i dont wanna have to get an entire lineup coco nutes for a single plant so im researching some alternatives...

Plants lookin great btw!!
I read some about the lucas formula... correct me if im wrong, but its pretty much the closest you can get to growing organically in pure coco? Using soil-based nutes? Someday im gonna go for the coco-nut badge but i dont wanna have to get an entire lineup coco nutes for a single plant so im researching some alternatives...

Plants lookin great btw!!
Thanks for the compliments bro..the lucas was based off the General hydroponics line which is a chemical/salt based fertilizer,i dont buy coco specific nutes ,the GH line works for coco,soil and true hydro,,due to the nutrient profile of cannabis,a standard ppm/ec could be used to feed the plant from start to finish with as little as one bag( maxi bloom) or one bottle( flora nova,i think) it can also be done as a two part with GH products...back to nutrient profiling,now lets say the "window" of ppm is( and these are just random numbers to illustrate the point) 1000-2000,the 1000ppm would be the low end to grow a healthy plant without causing deficiencies,and 2000 would be the high end which could cause lockout and burn,the best option for best growth and cost would be 1500ppm,this is what the Lucas formula shows,there is no need to add other stuff,but the nute companies package and promote "stuff" so well that people think they have to buy the latest and greatest thing,well we as consumers really dont,and the plant dont really need it if the primary Macro nutrients are good to begin with( with good levels of micro nutrients),remember,we as growers acount for the best temps and light,now all the plant needs is a good organic soil or a good nute plan and they will grow well,they have made it millions of years without us,right? I may have missed a few details about lucas but the key points are ,low cost,adequate nute levels,and most inportant ease of use!! Since i am in coco i add cal mag,and silica for cellular strength ,everything else i add kinda defeats the purpose of the lucas/kiss method of one bag( of nutes) but when i was growing photo plants,i only used the one bag of maxi bloom start to finish( but at different ratios for veg and bloom)..hope that helps some..ill gladly discuss further if need be...peace bro
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That is hell a interesting!! I thought you were using liquid ferts.... but makes a lot more sense when i figured it was the powder!! Are you running both maxigro & bloom atm? And when u say as little as one bag to feed a plant from start to finish... Do you mean the 1kg bags? Smallest i can find.. but seems like a lot for one plant.... but ive never messed with powder ferts before. But i like how simple and cheap it seems and works in both soil and coco... and youre growing absolute monsters!! Im gonna keep this in mind and get some next time i visit a hydro store!!! And ill be hitting you up for mire advice later on!!
I was using the GH liquid gro micro and bloom,i switch it up sometimes,then i went to just the micro and bloom liquid (which is lucas)..i do use the liquid bloom booster( which goes against lucas theory) and the ripening powder( also against lucas) because i was trying to evaluate the effectiveness of the additional nutes,the test fell to the wayside,but i will plan a true comparative test of lucas to lucas with addatives using the same strain soon...hey @db003 can you give us your thoughts on Lucas cause if I remember right,you are using the flora series( you may need to read the post # 22 ).peace guys
That is hell a interesting!! I thought you were using liquid ferts.... but makes a lot more sense when i figured it was the powder!! Are you running both maxigro & bloom atm? And when u say as little as one bag to feed a plant from start to finish... Do you mean the 1kg bags? Smallest i can find.. but seems like a lot for one plant.... but ive never messed with powder ferts before. But i like how simple and cheap it seems and works in both soil and coco... and youre growing absolute monsters!! Im gonna keep this in mind and get some next time i visit a hydro store!!! And ill be hitting you up for mire advice later on!!
Thank you for the compliments ,and yes the small bags 2.2 lbs/1kilo,if it was just one plant that would be way more than enough and the lucas pages break it down to a cost per feed of something like .06 cents or something..powder nutes are just as easy as liquid,but they are more concentrated so they end up being cheaper than liquids,,remember i am in coco so i never straight water,always nutes and multiple plants....
this is my first grow using the Lucas formula with floranova bloom as a one part I did have some nutes burn problems but I was over feeding and I was using other stuff with the floranova like liquid Kool bloom and Floralicious Plus and should have waited a grow to see how the plants look before I added a bunch of stuff to my feedings plus I am still new to coco so I still dont have it just right yet but I like it so far

I always hated having to mix ten bottles every time I watered my plants this makes it a lot easier for me I am also using it on a separate grow so I lowered what I was giving them so I wont get the same problems and its going good so far
this is my first grow using the Lucas formula with floranova bloom as a one part I did have some nutes burn problems but I was over feeding and I was using other stuff with the floranova like liquid Kool bloom and Floralicious Plus and should have waited a grow to see how the plants look before I added a bunch of stuff to my feedings plus I am still new to coco so I still dont have it just right yet but I like it so far

I always hated having to mix ten bottles every time I watered my plants this makes it a lot easier for me I am also using it on a separate grow so I lowered what I was giving them so I wont get the same problems and its going good so far
Awesome bro,you didnt know i was stalking your thread huh!!! I was in the same boat with the multiple bottles for veg and multiple for bloom!!! Arrrr what a pain...what ive noticed is that with the maxi bloom mixed at full strength,the ppm is around 1600,which may not be bad for a photo and i have ran it at that strength with auto plants in the greenhouse,i believe this is due to photosynthesis being more optimal,at that strength it burns my indoor plants...db003,did you study the nutrient profiling page from angelfire-dot-com and learn to use the calculator? What this does is allow a profile to be made using any brand/nutrient line that will equall the N-P-K ratios of the Lucas Formula..there's not many of us that use the lucas and again i believe this is due to good marketing from the nute companies,would you be interested in a lucas comparative co-grow??
Would anybody else like to do a comparative co-grow using the LF..not a challenge just a thread for LF grown plants??? Challenge yourself to change!! Open invite to any and everyone ,light,media, strain not important...
Update day 42...its time to start pushing these girls and get em thru flower...the first three pics are the dhaze -99 plants.I have a tall medium and short plant,,all looking healthy and bushy
all these plant went thru some defoliation and debranching of the lowers for air/kinda a lollipop treatment.........the pic below is the AK47-white widow plant,its been getting supercropped and spread oit for air and light
still on Lucas at around 900ppm....sorry for the delay on the up.....peace