AJs Land of Random Thoughts

Old Seeds
  • Was going through the fridge and found some old seeds I won from placing second in the Mephisto Gladiator Battle in 17. Mephisto gave us a prize pack of seeds that if I remember correctly were not released at the time. Forgotten Cookies, Fugue State, Strawberry Nuggets and hmmm not sure on the other two (an orange diesel cross and something else I am blanking on at the moment). So I decided to see how my new germ method works on older seeds. On fresh seeds I am batting 1000. (knocks on wood)

    I use distilled water with a few drops of peroxide and put them in root riots(using tweezers I try not to touch the seeds with my hands at all) then throw them in a baggie with a little water at the bottom and set them in my closet bathroom. Then.....magic.

    Old Seeds.jpg

    I originally used a paper towel for this but I snapped a tap root messing with the damn soggy paper towel so I went to the root riots.

    We will see if these end up growing or duding out. In the past I struggled with older seeds going to direct to soil so once something was a year or two old I just let them sit in the fridge. This has my hopes up I probably have 80-90 strains sitting in there that I have not ran in years. I was able to get some of my old double grape to pop as well. Hoping I can get some of the sour hounds to sprout on my next run.
  • Okay so I have been bokashi composting my kitchen scraps for the outdoor garden for a few years and it works very well.

    So that leads me to the random thought I had as I was trimming this morning. Why not try the bokashi composting (its more like fermenting) my leaves, stems, and popcorn buds along with some coffee, eggshells, and pumpkin. The coffee, eggshells, and pumpkin is what I feed my worms so why not put it in there.

    For those that do not know bokashi does not completely compost it pickles it more or less. When done it is a sludgy mess and some of the food is still identifiable. After you get to that point you bury it in your garden and presto a month is later you have soil with a bunch of beneficial bacteria (mainly LAB) in your garden.

    My plan is after it is pickled I am going to layer it with some Buds Malibu compost and some old soil that has not been amended in a bucket in the house. When it breaks down I will mix it with aeration, coco, some peat and we will see what we can grow with it.

    Part of the reason I like the idea is that it does not get more local than my grow room or kitchen. Plus I have been able to keep a pest free organic garden indoors for a few years now. I used to bring in compost from my yard and a local nursery but I am getting a little weary with some troubles friends of mine have had locally. I wont even take clones at this point. I will give them away, but I am not taking any.
    Tiny Pots
  • The other day in live stoners I was bitching about seed backlog and @Mossy made a point that if you don't plant them its a waste. Well I am paraphrasing as I could not speak with the elegance she does.

    That got me to thinking I always want to grow trees in ten gallon pots, but I am at the point that if I do not grow these they are going to dud out and be a colossal waste.

    So I am going to fix that issue right now. I made a mix of Bud's Malibu compost, coco, pumice, and rice hulls and put that into five two gallon pots. Five pots fit perfectly on a 10 gallon grow bag tray.

    I will be starting with my oldest autoflower seed stock which I won in the 2017 Christmas contest. The one where Briman would call out three random items and the first to post a picture in live stoners won a pack of three seeds. I also won a Deathstar Grinder that I use to this day in that one.

    Enough nostalgia so I am going to start with two of those packs.

    The first being Fast Buds LSD. I am a big fan of this strain and in the shuffle did not realize I had one this one or it would of been gone a long time ago. If I remember correctly in 2018 this is the strain I won the fastbuds grow off with.

    The second being Mephisto's Heisenberg Special I am not familiar with this strain and never grew it because the Black Friday sale from Mephisto right before I won these was so insane. I stocked up on like eight or nine strains and they sent me more freebies than strains I ordered so again another girl that got lost in the shuffle.

    With these being at least four years old I do not know how much luck we are going to have at germ. Either way I am going to keep going through till we get 5 popped and then reamend after harvest and go again.

    @Suki813 blog post inspired me as much with her Bonsai grow approach in a small space as Mossy telling me to get off my ass. I will definitely be seeking some input from Suki as she is the expert to keep these girls in line.

    With all that being said since we do not have any plants yet below is some dirt pictures.

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    Finally ready to go.

    Ready to go.jpg
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    Tiny Pots
  • Okay so a little more success than I expected. Dropped four Heisenberg Specials and Four LSD 25 seeds from 2017. Shockingly enough the four LSD all popped and one Heisenberg.

    So here we go.
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    Tiny Pots
  • 12/28 update girls are moving along. Never ran the Heisenberg in normal container so I am not sure if she was supposed to be a big girl or not but it looks like she is.
    TIny Pots 4LSD 1 Heisenberg.jpg
  • Okay bokashi is dry and in a bucket. For anyone that is curious 6lbs of bran makes about a 2 gallon bucket full of bokashi. It was a pretty simple process and did not take much time just a bit of waiting. This is my first big batch I have noticed mine smells similar to the ones I have bought before just stronger I guess is the word. Not sure if that is just because it is fresh and the smell dissipates over time on the others or I use more lab than they do.
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    Tiny Pots
  • Okay I am a complete Bonsai failure. I had all these plans of training these guys. You can see though they are just growing into their own jungle in corner of the tent. Still going pretty strong. I did these with coco in the soil mix to help with water retention as the pots are only 2 gallons. No issues yet which is nice and a smidge unexpected, but I will take it. In the past when flower hits I usually will see a deficiency every now and then with the coco in my soil mix. Not this time though.

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    Tiny Pots
  • @Suki813 I failed at Bonsai. Did not get around to it and by time I did they shot up like crazy. Kind of digging the variance in the LSD 25s. They were always purple in my past experiences. 1 purple 1 half purple and 2 green.
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