AJs Land of Random Thoughts

Ferment Recipe
  • I’ve never used it personally but my local grow shop has it and def looked at it but the price kept me away! Not sure if u can make it at home with a bag of frass and some molasses! I got a bunch of both so may be something worth trying!
    Yeah I mixed up a batch on the fly I used a similar recipe as to what growing organic using for their dandelion ferment. I did the below. Actually @Suki813 has me all motivated again. Using some wild dandelion seeds as some cover crop so I can ferment that shortly and this this summer I have a few peach trees so I will ferment that then. Then if all goes well I can cut back on my nutrient blend consumption a little.

    1lb insect frass
    1 1/2 gallon of water
    1/3 cup Molasses
    1/3 cup EM 1
    1/4 cup my homemade LAB (for diversity and I have a ton)

    Wait thirty days and see what I get. I used a little more water than what they do with plant material as I figure the frass is more concentrated. Well that is my theory anyway. Chitin gets broken down to Chitanese (spelling) which is the main benefit from what I have read.
    Ferment Recipe
  • Insect frass about two weeks into ferment. Does not smell as bad as I was lead to believe. Smells like a homebrew beer that fermented to long with a hint of shit smell. IMHO still smells better than neem powder. There is a layer of what looks like mycos on top but it is lipids or some by product of the shells. Not real sure which. It did start out black and in pelet shape now it is brown and more like mud clay. Either way pretty interesting experiment.
    Insect Frass 2 weeks.jpg
    Breeding Expirement
  • I am a big fan of Sweet Seeds and Crystal Candy is on my favorite autos list for sure. So I wanted to try out this Red Strawberry Banana (red poison x Strawberry Banana). Did not journal it much with everything going on but figured I would show some bud shots here we are about two weeks out.
    Red Straw 1.jpg
    Red Straw 2.jpg

    As you can see we ended up with two different phenotypes here. Both smell out of this world just assuming the red poison genes did not show up in the one on the left.

    So while I was running this strain I was also doing a seed run on Bohdi's Terpnado (Strawberry milk x Wookie). Terpnado has a very distinct strawberry taste with hint of fuel.

    I figured why not create my own auto (not like I don't have enough on my plate.) So that is what we did I pollinated the one on the left as the one on the right was actually the scrawny one 4 weeks ago when I did this. I learned a valuable pollen chucking lesson, I am now a way bigger fan of the one on the right in bud size and structure. So going forward pollinate all the females (pretty sure most people already knew that but I am new at this). We are going to continue forward and see where we end up.
    Breeding Expirement
  • Well was able to get about 113 seeds from my little project. Drying the seeds and will be waiting a month or so till we start the next run once i figure out how I am going to do the selection.
    Seed Run.jpg
  • Was finally able to pull off a solo cup victory. Before this I have had 3 2nds and a 3 place. Not complaining at all the competition in these solo cup battles is epic, and that is not a bad thing.

    Here she is in all her glory.
    Final Pic.jpg
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  • Also running Jean-O's Brain Damage Photo F1 for a test.

    Super excited about this one per @Jean-O
    "Brain Damage F1 is the new resulting cross of Shining Sun Seed Co. Durban Thai High Flyer crossed with Guyana land Race which was at a F3 when I procured the strain which was then Crossed to my Spice Cake F3."

    Big fan of anything Durban or Thai in it.

    I have also ran an Auto test for him previously of the Duke which turned out to be a wonderful daytime smoke. He included some Blue Dog Autos that I need to find some room for. Its a cross of Mephisto Chemdogging and Dinafems Blue Cheese auto. I have ran both those strains and they were very good.

    Brain Damage Photo JeanO.jpg