Auto Seeds AFN CannaZone Auto Seeds Co. Test Thread

So basically you are trying to grow menthol weed? Trust me we've tried and it REALLY doesn't work.............:smokeit:
Just caught that! :crying:
We have everything sorted out now. I would like to say, so far I'm very impressed with the seeds we're growing. They're acting like little race horses :thumbsup:
Hi everybody! This will be my first time growing plants on the internet, and it is really exciting! Root and Eekman :bighug::bighug:
I'm so glad to see you here!
I'm not sure if this is a contest or not, but me and Root are going to win:cooldance:
I'm going to figure out how to show pictures tonight, but I have to wait for the lights to come on.
Here are our Candy Kash, day 15
View attachment 714711

And Polar Express, also day 15
View attachment 714718
View attachment 714721

I'm showing @rosa how to adjust pH, and on one container the meter readings were all over the place, she's adding down, then up, back and forth. So I go over to the jugs and get a strong smell... hmmm, peppermint?!
She had grabbed the syringe we use for rub oils, and one jug got a decent dose of peppermint oil :crying:
Odd how it seemed to throw everything off. We cleaned the heck out of the bulb, hope it's not fried:cheers:
Rosa says , @Root. I'll try to get her on tonight or tomorrow (I know she's doing lots of extra stuff, covering my work around here).
It's fine, thank you very much. And it is Candy Kush, Mr Big Thumbs, lol! :bighug:
Peperment oil is a natural insecticide that works on aphids, squash bugs, white flies, ants, beetles, and fleas. It's also effective against garden fungus.

I'm sure it will be fine, Rosa.

Looks like @rosa is doing a wonderful job...those babies look great! :baby::baby:

Welcome @NugNoob ...glad to have you! :yay:
I really like spending time with him doing this. I Told him that a little peppermint would be okay :doh: I will have to watch things like that.
I really can't take credit for how good things are looking, I'm getting a lot of help :bow:
He Who Can't Be Named is a good teacher. It is a little hard not using the M word here. But I can't seem to just call him Red. Maybe Roo? :crying:
It's fine, thank you very much. And it is Candy Kush, Mr Big Thumbs, lol! :bighug:
download (4).jpg

You're a keeper. :bighug::vibe:
Without further....

I started a pair each of Ultra Lemon Haze and Sucker Punch. One SP seed zigged itself to death in the cup. So, one SP on the right, two ULH left[emoji1303]

Sucker Punch 1


Ultra Lemon Haze 1


Ultra Lemon Haze 2

We're having a blizzard, today. Pretty crazy snow event. I think I might go cuddle under that panel with the girls[emoji1317][emoji219][emoji95]

I'll be transplanting these in the next few days, and

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Hey @Waximus what is "zigged" itself to death ?

Hi everybody! This will be my first time growing plants on the internet, and it is really exciting! Root and Eekman :bighug::bighug:
I'm so glad to see you here!
I'm not sure if this is a contest or not, but me and Root are going to win:cooldance:
I'm going to figure out how to show pictures tonight, but I have to wait for the lights to come on.

Woohooo Rosa,
Nice to see that yellow rose, I hope Grizzly Adams isn't too much of a pain in yer behind. :blahblah:

He is a good guy though, makes me look bad about how much he appreciates you being by his side.


We just got back from taking Root to the dentist for major work. :doc:She is doing great, and a little
loopy, lol.:dizzy:

I will update tomorrow. So Tuesday to now, would be day fourteen. I miss calculated by a week before.

Hey @Waximus what is "zigged" itself to death ?


Woohooo Rosa,
Nice to see that yellow rose, I hope Grizzly Adams isn't too much of a pain in yer behind. :blahblah:

He is a good guy though, makes me look bad about how much he appreciates you being by his side.


We just got back from taking Root to the dentist for major work. :doc:She is doing great, and a little
loopy, lol.:dizzy:

I will update tomorrow. So Tuesday to now, would be day fourteen. I miss calculated by a week before.


I dug up the seed to do some forensics, and it had pigtailed 4-5 times-sideways, under the coco.

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I got some pics for week 2.

Coco soil is my medium, I got them currently under a Platinum 150 LED while they veg. PH water to 5.8-6.0

One of the two Candy Kush seems to be having issues. It is waxy looking, and yellowish. I have been folliar feeding it some Velo Kelp & Nature's Candy. Hopefully we can do that for a couple of times a week, and see if they snap out of whatever is happening with them.

This is the speciman which has the waxy look to it.


Here are the other three. Happy and green.

Day 15
Sucker Punch
Berry Ryder

I should mention, I've had to make rearrangements. These have been grown under a Platinum p150 & a 2', 4 bulb, t5. Until there is room, under the PLC CX300.

Strong plants. Doing very well, considering the low RH. Can't wait for flowers.
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