Auto Seeds AFN CannaZone Auto Seeds Co. Test Thread

Me and the Missus are pretty excited. We've only been growing for about 5 years I think, and I really can't remember ever seeing rapid leaf growth like this on a seedling. Those are the engines that drive the plant, so I'm thinking that these gals are turbocharged :vibe:

That's awesome news man, I'm so excited for future grows and theres so much to choose from! Cant wait to see how this turns out.

Also its great that you can grow with your partner.
I'm showing @rosa how to adjust pH, and on one container the meter readings were all over the place, she's adding down, then up, back and forth. So I go over to the jugs and get a strong smell... hmmm, peppermint?!
She had grabbed the syringe we use for rub oils, and one jug got a decent dose of peppermint oil :crying:

Peperment oil is a natural insecticide that works on aphids, squash bugs, white flies, ants, beetles, and fleas. It's also effective against garden fungus.

Odd how it seemed to throw everything off. We cleaned the heck out of the bulb, hope it's not fried:cheers:
Rosa says , @Root.

I'm sure it will be fine, Rosa.

I'll try to get her on tonight or tomorrow (I know she's doing lots of extra stuff, covering my work around here).

Looks like @rosa is doing a wonderful job...those babies look great! :baby::baby:

Looking good in the early stages ladys and gents!

:spels: I'm subbed for the adventure.

Welcome @NugNoob ...glad to have you! :yay:
Looks like @rosa is doing a wonderful job...those babies look great! :baby::baby:
You ain't kidding, she's doing amazing. This weekend she's going about a million miles an hour while we're getting our veggies flatted up. Mixing, planting, getting me back on track.... it's really something to behold.
And more than a little humbling :smoking:
Here are our Candy Kash, day 15
View attachment 714711

And Polar Express, also day 15
View attachment 714718
View attachment 714721

I'm showing @rosa how to adjust pH, and on one container the meter readings were all over the place, she's adding down, then up, back and forth. So I go over to the jugs and get a strong smell... hmmm, peppermint?!
She had grabbed the syringe we use for rub oils, and one jug got a decent dose of peppermint oil :crying:
Odd how it seemed to throw everything off. We cleaned the heck out of the bulb, hope it's not fried:cheers:
Rosa says , @Root. I'll try to get her on tonight or tomorrow (I know she's doing lots of extra stuff, covering my work around here).

So basically you are trying to grow menthol weed? Trust me we've tried and it REALLY doesn't work.............:smokeit:
You ain't kidding, she's doing amazing. This weekend she's going about a million miles an hour while we're getting our veggies flatted up. Mixing, planting, getting me back on track.... it's really something to behold.
And more than a little humbling :smoking:

Where would we be Red without our Rosa's? She is crushing it.:toke:

So basically you are trying to grow menthol weed? Trust me we've tried and it REALLY doesn't work.............:smokeit:


Kool Kannabis
Looking Splendid so far, Peeps:headbang:

I am getting my sorry keester upstairs for some pics of my Sucker Punch and Ultra Lemon Haze girls:oops1:

Stay tuned:thanks:
This is gonna be good :yay: Rosa wants me to teach her how to sharpen the chainsaw so it'll be ready for the harvest :crying:
Without further....

I started a pair each of Ultra Lemon Haze and Sucker Punch. One SP seed zigged itself to death in the cup. So, one SP on the right, two ULH left[emoji1303]

Sucker Punch 1


Ultra Lemon Haze 1


Ultra Lemon Haze 2

We're having a blizzard, today. Pretty crazy snow event. I think I might go cuddle under that panel with the girls[emoji1317][emoji219][emoji95]

I'll be transplanting these in the next few days, and

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