New Grower Adventures of a noob grower.

Woke up today and checked on the girls. Dwc plant blew my mind. I dunno wtf but that girl is freaking taking off like a bat out of hell. Colas and branches popping up all over the place. My girl trying to make daddy proud.

"Excited face"
Woke up today and checked on the girls. Dwc plant blew my mind. I dunno wtf but that girl is freaking taking off like a bat out of hell. Colas and branches popping up all over the place. My girl trying to make daddy proud.

"Excited face"

Now you see why people get hooked on DWC! some days, you can see them grow! LOL!
Now you see why people get hooked on DWC! some days, you can see them grow! LOL!

Yea man it's hard to fathom how good she looks in comparison to the other one. She was screwed in a soaked RW cube with zero root growth for like a week early in her life. She was at least a good week behind the soil plant because of it, even though they started at the sametime. Not only that but I had to cut the RW cube off which ruined some of the few roots she had.

Can't believe how well she recovered! DWC is amazing. It definitely makes me more nervous than soil though. I'm constantly scared I will randomly get root rot one day lol. I dunno if I should be stressing about it though. I've been putting a bowl of ice cubes in my res 1-2 times a day and I think my pump is pretty damn strong for 1 bucket. Also change res every 7 days like clockwork. Let the roots sit in empty bucket while I'm doing it.
haha. My problem is, I tend to read A LOT of info. I'm reading grow forums all day simply because I don't really have anything better to do atm. I end up thinking I should know the answer already to questions I have. Reading about it doesn't = experience though. ;D
I hear that man. I work from a home office. Very easy to get side tracked on some thread or other research project. Have to take "work breaks" to at least get a little something accomplished. lol
"Work breaks" - LMFAO!!!:crying: You're doing a nice job! Damn! Once I get soil down, I eventually wanna learn dwc, too. I wanna learn all the methods!! LOL! My plan is to learn multiple techniques be for settling down with organics. Looks like after the early struggle, your girl is no longer the little weakling!
"Work breaks" - LMFAO!!!:crying: You're doing a nice job! Damn! Once I get soil down, I eventually wanna learn dwc, too. I wanna learn all the methods!! LOL! My plan is to learn multiple techniques be for settling down with organics. Looks like after the early struggle, your girl is no longer the little weakling!

Not only is she not the little weakling but she has surpassed her sister in size. I'm sure some part of that is also due to the fact that her sister is only in a 2 gal air pot. Still though, it's pretty amazing considering how far behind she originally was.

The air pot diva is starting to really flower and form buds a little while the dwc plant seems to still be growing. Tbh this DWC bucket has been pretty damn easy. The only real problem I had was at the start with the rockwool cube. Once I get my starts down I think I will be golden.

Hempy buckets are an even easier alternative though. They're very similar to soil grows except it's treated as hydro. Look up hempy buckets!! I bet you'd be a lot more interested in those.
I've heard of Hempy buckets, but never really looked into them. You got me curious now, though...
I've heard of Hempy buckets, but never really looked into them. You got me curious now, though...

I've been doing an ass ton of reading about them over the last week. I'm really excited to try one SOON lol. All you need is a bucket, something to put a small hole in the bucket and some perlite and coco or perlite and vermiculite. ez pz and cheap as hell.