New Grower Adventures of a noob grower.

That plant in the top left in the airpot is filling in quick might be some chunky pheno when she's in full flower. Everything looks to be going swimmingly mate keep up the good work. And no doubt the ak will give your tolerance a run for its money. I find for some reason when my tolerance goes up I get just as stoned off 0.2-.3 as I would if I smoke 7g its weird but might work for you as it does me you may not get super blazed for a while but its better than going through your whole stash trying and after a few weeks or a month my tolerance seems to settle and I can get blazed again
That plant in the top left in the airpot is filling in quick might be some chunky pheno when she's in full flower. Everything looks to be going swimmingly mate keep up the good work. And no doubt the ak will give your tolerance a run for its money. I find for some reason when my tolerance goes up I get just as stoned off 0.2-.3 as I would if I smoke 7g its weird but might work for you as it does me you may not get super blazed for a while but its better than going through your whole stash trying and after a few weeks or a month my tolerance seems to settle and I can get blazed again

I think I will try that and smoke less, see how it goes!. Sally is a bit more developed because becky got stunted early in her life due to her rockwool cube being extremely soaked. Becky is behind by at least a week. That's okay though because she has surpassed her sister in size. I know she going to yield big too. I can see my 3 oz dream before my eyes.
I've read that it's pretty easy to build up tolerance, especially if you are smoking the same strain regularly, so maybe once you have multiple strains in your stash, and switch flavors after a day or two, it won't seem like your tolerance is so high.

If you're smoking that much of the same strain every night you probably have built up a significant tolerance to it, so more and more is needed to get the same high. You can avoid a tolerance buildup to a large degree if you switch off strains on a regular basis. Personally, I never smoke the same strain more than two days in a row and never have tolerance issues. Every time I grow a new strain I always put some back and have built up a collection of over 30 strains in my stash. Usually once I've smoked a given strain I won't come back to it for at least 1-2 weeks, if not longer.
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Damn muddy is nuts lol. Thanks for the info man. Sucks cause all I got going atm is 3 ak47 LOL. I'm actually about to order like 5 different strains but it's going to be a while before they are ready to harvest obviously lol.

I think the list I've worked out so far is.

Samsara Seeds "Sweet Black Angel"
Sweet Seeds "Black Jack"
Female Seeds "Ice"
Female Seeds "Iced Grapefruit"
Female Seeds "OutDoor C99" - All they had left from the site i'm ordering from. Hopefully it won't be a problem growing it inside. I really wanted to try some C99 though.

3 of them are 4 packs and the other 2 are 3 packs. +2 free seeds. I think that's not bad for 117$ with free shipping. I'm going to pop one of those C99 or Black Jack in a hempy bucket as soon as I get them. Then I'll have to wait until one of those big berthas is finished.

Can't wait to get all those beans. I did a lot of reading before I decided on them.
I'm in the same boat. All I got is some TD, and some more growing. After this run is done, I should be doing 2-4 strains every run from here on out. BAM and Dark Devil are up next, and maybe one more...
I'm in the same boat. All I got is some TD, and some more growing. After this run is done, I should be doing 2-4 strains every run from here on out. BAM and Dark Devil are up next, and maybe one more...

Awesome! I'm excited to see you do more than 1 plant at a time. Fun times ahead! I think different strains is the main reason I'm probably just going to do perpetual 12/12 from seed. I'm definitely going to learn how to clone too. I just ordered some root powder. I'm going to seriously try to clone the next strain I do. Not going to bother with the ak47 since I already have 3 going haha.
Once I have autos down, I'm gonna try my hand at photos, and learning how to clone them. Right now, though, becoming very good at growing autos is my focus, and this coming summer I want to start learning how to use the sprays that get the ladies prego with femmed seeds
Once I have autos down, I'm gonna try my hand at photos, and learning how to clone them. Right now, though, becoming very good at growing autos is my focus, and this coming summer I want to start learning how to use the sprays that get the ladies prego with femmed seeds

Hehe. I actually looked up how to breed autos too. I definitely plan on going back to auto's at some point. I'm not even really sure why I just feel drawn to them and I think it also has to do with this site being my favorite grow site. Makes me want to do what everyone else here is doing. I definitely like being able to top/fim my plants though so hopefully I have some good luck trying those methods with autos down the road.

I actually got 2 free autos with the seed order I just made. Sweet seeds - Skunk Auto and Auto Bloody skunk. Going to pop those bad boys at some point.

I decided to get Ice (female seeds), Sweet black angel (samsara), Black jack (sweet seeds), outlaw (I had to get something from dutch passion!), and c99 (female seeds).

Got me a 1.3 gal container and a big bag of perlite and 2 bricks of botanicare coco. Also got some of those little Fiskar pruning thingies and some root powder. No more using big awkward ass scissors for me.

Plan is to make my hempy bucket and pop a c99 as it is known for being a quick finisher. I'm going to take 1 or 2 cuttings from it at some point and try to start 2 more plants from the c99. Hopefully my beans get here quick, I'm super excited to get started.

New light came in today too! gotta go get some zip ties to hang it.
Been hearing a lot about the c99 lately... must be some fire!! I haven't even tried any sweet seeds beans yet, but right now I'm wanting to grow everything they sell!! It all looks so damn good, and the reviews are always positive. Soon as I can get this gift card snafu cleared up, I'll be getting some Dark Devil beans and some BAM beans. That DD has had my eye ever since I saw Jayar's and Trap's grows. I'll be tasting her buds soon enough...