Old Reviews Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

Advanced nutrients recommends that you only feed once a week and usually you will feed then water then feed to keep from salts building up and causing lockout. your plants should dry out every 2-3 days there is no reason to feed or water everyday. you will get better results if you let you plants dry out a little in between feedings it will help the roots spread out and look for water ultimately giving you better root systems. I hope this helps


I'm feeding with it every watering...as recommended.. just like the GH fert I replaced... AN has been advertizing hardcore on this stuff, way before it even hit the shelves and they cant even meet demand or distribution...bla bla bla...whatever... anyways there marketing is directly aimed at GH who we all know has been the industrial standard for hydro since the get go... Advanced Nutes is under cutting GH and thats cool, price war thats what we need...lol I used GH products for over 10 years everywatering in peat based mixes... AN's gear is made to be used in exact proportions as GH micro / bloom...
If I feed my auto's every watering they would be cripsy right now. I just about burn them every time I feed once a week but I am also using all the additives. so that might be the differance.
If I feed my auto's every watering they would be cripsy right now. I just about burn them every time I feed once a week but I am also using all the additives. so that might be the differance.

Hummm, well you know mine are in DWC... but my mommies in veg are fed also with AN every time... I'm just using sensi a and B nothing else...

Cant argue with your results... because they are fine fine fine...
I think It's the additive line up i'm using it gets my ppm up there after the first week of flower nutes.
Well I quit using additives, after my friends testing of used promix... anything with Calcium in it is killing your grow his tests were off the charts.. Cal/mg so over rated and maybe very harmfull...

And everytime I have ever used a booster like Kool Bloom I burn just a little... so I quit that shit...lol

Eldiablo said:
Hello Greenies,

As some of you know, I moved to remote northern California and started a analytical lab. Among all our services we perform soil testing for growers through hydro stores in northern Humboldt.

This gives me a distinct view into the practices of this areas intense gardening and the resultant residues in heavily used soils.

In more than 95% of recycled grow media we are finding toxic levels of Calcium that are correlating to only minute magnesium levels. This situation is causes a myriad of issue in all growers with the soil conditions. It starts with what appears like nitrogen deficiency, then lack of vigor, and followed by deceased yields. I am talking half a p from a cut that used to pull 1.5.

I am advising these growers amend with Epsom and suspend all CalMag use. People here just have too much access to hydro stores... You should see all the bottles they have next to the Rez!

Anybody seen this before?

I am feeding my autos every feeding with sensi line and additives but I usually do weekly waterings with clear ex I am getting some tip burn but only in he strains that are more nutrient sensitive
This is the reason why we have this thread... so we can "feel out" the real feeding/ burn rates...

keep it posting usage results...