Grow Mediums Advanced Nutrients experiences?

Before you decide on a nute line you should first decide if you're going to run a sterile system or organic. Sterile is easier to maintain and what I would recommend to any new hydro grower, even though it requires the use of RO water. The chances of root issues are non existent in a properly maintained sterile system and doesn't require the use of teas as most organics do. If you know your root system is good and you run into issues, it's not something you have to consider when trying to fix the problem.

I'm no fan of AN products. I've used it in several applications with mixed results, some okay, most bad. Trying it in rdwc was a disaster and cost me a lot of money in wasted nutrients. In ProMix I've gotten better results using GH Flora 3 part, which is far less expensive. If you decide to use AN in a sterile environment be sure and check any supplements you might use to make sure they are inorganic. Some of ANs are inorganic, some organic.

Thanks Muddy, but I'm not a noob. Just making this switch to try to solve some ph issues.
Thanks Muddy, but I'm not a noob. Just making this switch to try to solve some ph issues.

Didn't mean to imply you were. I hadn't seen your other post yet. If you haven't spent your money yet, take a look at House & Garden. I was running a slightly modified version of their Aqua Flakes dwc chart in my rdwc system for 5 runs with good success. I'm testing some Cultured Solutions now but will run the H&G again.

If you haven't already tried it, baking soda can be useful in buffering pH. I think the ratio is 1 gram per 5 gallons of solution. That's with RO and cal/mag to 125 ppm. My pH still rises as my ppm drop but not as quickly. Of course, baking soda will raise your initial pH.

EDIT: Corrected the ratio on the baking soda.
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Thanks Muddy, but I'm not a noob. Just making this switch to try to solve some ph issues.

the only AN additive that i can tell you realy works is..
voodoo juice
grow A.B
bloom A.B CONN
calmag ...i use Botnicare its better.
big bud

those all work.. :pass:I want to use Botnicare or try it.. i really like it ...
Didn't mean to imply you were. I hadn't seen your other post yet. If you haven't spent your money yet, take a look at House & Garden. I was running a slightly modified version of their Aqua Flakes dwc chart in my rdwc system for 5 runs with good success. I'm testing some Cultured Solutions now but will run the H&G again.

If you haven't already tried it, baking soda can be useful in buffering pH. I think the ratio is 2.5 grams per 5 gallons of solution. I'll verify that, it's in the garage. That's with RO and cal/mag to 125 ppm. My pH still rises as my ppm drop but not as quickly. Of course, baking soda will raise your initial pH.

I already pulled the trigger on the ph perfect.

the only AN additive that i can tell you realy works is..
voodoo juice
grow A.B
bloom A.B CONN
calmag ...i use Botnicare its better.
big bud

those all work.. :pass:I want to use Botnicare or try it.. i really like it ...

Voodoo juice and all the other root stuff is microbial. I run a sterile system. I will just stick with what I have been using, which is GH RapidStart. I have had great results with it. I find it odd that they don't have something for roots in a sterile setup.
I was wondering the same thing. I currently use Canna, and it works pretty good, even with tap on holding pH accordingly. However, it's not the cheapest.

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Well im an avid advanced nutrients user but dont go to it looking to save $$$... bottom line for me is i dont know of a single nute line i can get CHEAPER and pull the SAME RESULTS. yes i can get the same results with other brands but they all have a price tag. Because they all work very well.

If you in canada its different. Order direct from green planet. I have replaced a lot of my AN with green planet and still growing big ass autos at half the cost. BUT. I have to pay shipping and it kills the price. My old friend @Fairlynew can attest to GP and cutting the AN cost almost in half and working just as well...
If youbwant to see the results of AN dumped in tap.... stirred with a sgick and poured in a root zone just click any of my grows and go to the last pages. I have only had issues 1 time. But when i ordered a new bag of promix. And used the same bottles of nutes.... back to killing it. Ill let you decide if it was the AN or the soil....
If youbwant to see the results of AN dumped in tap.... stirred with a sgick and poured in a root zone just click any of my grows and go to the last pages.
Are you stoned!!!:haha: I think That weed you grow done gone took ya spelling!!! :rofl: It gets me too!!
Hay bro, AN is definitely a good choice but you really don't need all the add ons, I got sucked into that myself and you just don't need it. The schedule I use myself now is my Easy Auto schedule with a little Voidoo juice at the start and bat shit at the end, all I use is Sensi Bloom (has more N than grow and works just as well in veg) Carboload,Overdrive the Voodoo juice and Guanokalong extract at the end and Calmag if needed. Very few nutrients can grow plants like this FastBuds Six Shooter I have on the go now.

Thanks for the response.. Your feed schedule was pretty much the first place I looked, Bro. I'm already a bit unorthodox, but I wanted to go with the grow and bloom. I would never buy the whole line tho lol. I do wish they had a root stim product for sterile systems, but I have had lots of luck with RapidStart, so i am just gonna stick with that. I just kinda wanted to use all AN if possible so as not to take a chance screwing up the PH Perfect thing, which is the whole reason for the switch.

With any luck, if the PH Perfect works as advertised, I may walk away from this with a DWC method that doesn't use a TDS meter OR a PH meter.. The method I have been using (See my post in the hydro section) doesn't test PPMs at all, but I get horrible PH swings in some grows. The switch to AN is hopefully going to eliminate the PH issues as well.