Grow Mediums Advanced Nutrients experiences?


Hydroponic Heretic
Feb 16, 2015
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I have been having so much trouble with ph swings in my last few grows (DWC)..

I am considering making a full switch to the Advanced Nutrients line for the "PH Perfect Technology".

I manage with checking and readjusting all the time, but it sure would be nice to eliminate, or at least drastically reduce that.

So do any of you use this stuff? Should I do Sensei or Connoisseur? What are the best root stimulators, bloom boosters?

Not sure what to buy, and I could use some first-hand testimonials about the PH Perfect, if anyone uses it. Does it really keep your ph stable?

P.S.- I know TANG has a feed schedule, and I have looked at it, but I am not necessarily looking to go the cheap and easy way out, just asking "what's the good stuff?".
RO water?
Sensi is a solid product. The only reason I ask about reverse osmosis, is AN's whole line is based on RO water. It doesnt work so well with bubbled tap water.
I have been using tap, but I have committed to making the switch to RO if the ph really is stable.
I use it with tap water now, but I am growing with a autopot system. By the tim eI add my cal/mag, Sensi a&b and a few additives, I still need to use a ton of ph down. I do know a few people that use RO water on site and with cal/mag, sensi line and additives, they have thrown out their ph pen, but they grow in soil or soil-less mediums. DWC will hold the PH, but the problem with dwc is things will fluctuate on a daily basis, its why you have to check it often. Here is a little thing i learned a while back, about dwc...
PPM goes UP and PH goes DOWN = They require LESS nutes.
PPM goes DOWN and PH goes UP = They require MORE nutes.
PPM stable and PH goes UP = Good thing.
I can attest to tap water and AN... thats all i run with pro mix. I havnt ph anything in years. I just bubble my tap for 24 hrs to dechlorinate then i pour what i need to water dump inmy sensi a and b plus the addatives and pour it to them. No issues at all in soiless medium.
So what products do you recommend? They make so many.. Specifically, a root stim, and a bloom booster, and maybe one or other two things (Carbs?).. I seem to see multiple products with the same purpose.

I was looking at big bud, and bud candy, but again, there seems to be a lot of different stuff. It's a bit confusing.
Rifleman uses the grow micro bloom base.

Heres my base line suggestion.

You either go with sensi grow and bloom A and B or you go with the 3 part grow micr bloom. I suggest the sensi line. They are both ph perfect though.

Then you need vodoo juice for the roots. And big bud for flower...

That is the base line for AN to run nice plants.

Then you can step it up as you go with overdrive, bud candy for carbs, if you want to keep going you can but its totally not needed for nice plants. But when you talk maxing every option you add in some of the not so must haves ya know