Live Stoner Chat About Grove Bags

@Grove Bags Welcome to AFN!!
I was just looking at your bags last week when someone recommended them for curing. They look really nice and well put together.

When everything gets back to normal I will have to order a few to check em out.
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I have a giant stash I’m about to start trimming so I could def put 1 of those bags to use today if testers needed. :thumbsup:
Double grape on back not quite dry yet!
Decent sized main for it foxtailing in the 70% rh tent started hitting! :smoking:
I tried one. Works just fine. You might want to try getting a sampler pack depending on your needs. I had 1 that was supposed to be for a lb but I only felt comfortable putting in a half as I didn't want to shmoosh my buds--it was some rather airy sativa. They look pretty classy too!
You can store your product in our bags for a year when heat sealed.
Heat sealed like with a good saver? Would we want to take the air out of the bag with the food saver? Are there directions that explain this that come with the bags ? And last but not least is there a discount code fir AFN?
Heat sealed like with a good saver? Would we want to take the air out of the bag with the food saver? Are there directions that explain this that come with the bags ? And last but not least is there a discount code fir AFN?
From video I saw you use the heat sealing function of food saver but you don't actually remove the air.