Thank you guys for coming by and leaving your good word to me.
Here goes update for 65 day from helmet and 23 day of 12/12
Another defol was done today, this was a last this serious one, further i will only be removing some alone leaves if needed.
Plant stood in one position for 5 days and today after i have turned it around, i noticed, that on that side, which was under 610nm (red) DIY part, flowers are noticeably bigger and there are more of them, than on other side. Seems that red peak is what plant wants in flowering after all.
Giving shower every 3 days now. One time with Plagron Sugar royal, other with my custom made tea with microelements and some organic stuff.
DWC tea is the same, all other things also the same. I'm not changing tea, only adding new one to top DWC up, here is stuff i use there now (ml/10l):
Cellmax - Hydrogrow A+B (40ml)
Cellmax PK booster (15ml)
GHE Bioworm (50ml/l)
Vitalink Biopac (15ml/l)
GT liquid Silicone (20ml)
GHE Mineral magic (20g)
GHE B'essentials (20ml)
ANd here goes photos