Photography A wee bit o' results porn

Ah, BC noted 24c has a heavy hammer, definitely nite-nite stuff! NL, with it's rather mixed parentage, and all the mad blending it;'s undergone over th eyars, unless you get the terp profile that carries those terps that are also narco-sleepy, NL tend to be balanced, heavy to the Indi-side of things,...
I have SeedStockers photo NL the try sometime (not this year), odd as it sounds I've not run any NL to date! :yoinks: ... it's a mix of #2 and #5, #2 being more heavy handed than #5.... Your aroma sounds on point, piney, sometimes citrus, sweet,... SS's cross is claimed to be fruity...
Some pheno's/breeder versions are desired because they are solid performers outdoors, and often low odor...
I'm forgetting, which breeder is your NL?
Mine is Seedsman's auto version. I'm not sure of the parentage, I should have a look and see if they mention it. It behaved well, auto'ed on schedule, and survived my nute/medium screwups, but low odor it was not. I'm not that fond of either the aroma of the bud, or the taste of the vape so far, but the cure is just getting started, so we shall see. The Mephisto CDLC x 3BOG and Seedsman Auto Strawberry Cheesecake are both nicer to my nose. Both with fruit notes, very little diesel or skunk, and a bit of spiciness that I like. The CDLC is a bit more on the darker, earthier side, but the two are remarkably similar to my nose. Both seriously pleasant after ~~6 weeks or so of cure.

Given the modest usefulness for sleep, the extended grow time, and the regular refusal to auto, this will likely be my only NL grow.

I guess I need to make some 24c seeds. I can't remember whether I have two left or not... My fingers are crossed.
It's not a common choice anymore that's for sure,.. and the forementioned variability in gene stock makes for a wide spread of outcomes! hey you know what, I remember a cross I saw a while back, BCN Fat Man which is an all NL#2 auto,.......... Gaaahh, nevermind, it's discon'ed!
Well, when I run the SeedStocker NL, I'll have an idea if their auto is worth a try... theirs should be piney/spicy, fruity mix....

I like the 3BOG very much, haven't run CDLC yet, and before her I'd want to try the classic ChemDogging first, which is used extensively in breeding it's so good!
A mate or two may have a real night hammer to share,.....there's a Witch Dr. x Anvil cross coming up I think- :eyebrows: .... Magic Strains, who started here in fact, made several damn nice crosses, WD is one of them; an all Bubba Kush auto.... Anvil is from Mandalorian genetics, our own FullDuplex made here, a split off from his ALF#5 project! .... ALF's family is Aunty Mossy's works from long ago, updated a few versions, then FD took her a new direction. Lots of info in his section! Some of that line are the largest auto's I've seen, he had 7' plants at a farm, and not that much slower that typical....

24c, talk with BC' about that... she loves her too, and a fem' run is warranted IMO since getting it from Meph directly takes a minor act of God, if it's even in stock, much less around elsewhere...:rolleyes1:
I need to check my seed stash... I kinda knew that 24C was the best so far, but I am beginning to think that she is in a class of her own. I got lucky to get the seeds direct from Mephisto. That was more than a year ago now. I don’t think I have seen her in stock for a long time. If I have two seeds, I may do a seed run next winter. I am going to need more 24C bud by this time next year. :biggrin: So far, nothing else I have tried is even close, and I have lost track of how many ”sleepy time” strains I have tried. Bubba Kush and MK Ultra from the gov’t store were the best until I grew my 24C.

It is a shame that Mephisto seeds are so hard to come by, they have some great genetics. I wonder if they are ramping up to match demand better?
It's not a common choice anymore that's for sure,.. and the forementioned variability in gene stock makes for a wide spread of outcomes! hey you know what, I remember a cross I saw a while back, BCN Fat Man which is an all NL#2 auto,.......... Gaaahh, nevermind, it's discon'ed!
Well, when I run the SeedStocker NL, I'll have an idea if their auto is worth a try... theirs should be piney/spicy, fruity mix....

I like the 3BOG very much, haven't run CDLC yet, and before her I'd want to try the classic ChemDogging first, which is used extensively in breeding it's so good!
A mate or two may have a real night hammer to share,.....there's a Witch Dr. x Anvil cross coming up I think- :eyebrows: .... Magic Strains, who started here in fact, made several damn nice crosses, WD is one of them; an all Bubba Kush auto.... Anvil is from Mandalorian genetics, our own FullDuplex made here, a split off from his ALF#5 project! .... ALF's family is Aunty Mossy's works from long ago, updated a few versions, then FD took her a new direction. Lots of info in his section! Some of that line are the largest auto's I've seen, he had 7' plants at a farm, and not that much slower that typical....

24c, talk with BC' about that... she loves her too, and a fem' run is warranted IMO since getting it from Meph directly takes a minor act of God, if it's even in stock, much less around elsewhere...:rolleyes1:
I checked the stash. I have not two, but three 24c seeds. :biggrin: Guess what my next reversal seeds will be. :yay: