Mephisto Genetics A-Train's Mephisto/GBD Autoflower Mix Adventures.... 2018 Limited Edition and Artisanal Strains Test

Jan 8, 2015
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Hello Hello Hello.....

Well as everyone encounters changes in life you have to adapt to your surroundings and life circumstances. Over the past 6 months or so i have had major changes in life (good thankfully) and the time i used to be able to dedicate to sitting in the floor each day staring at my plants carefully pruning and mixing nutrients like a mad scientist, seeing what works, best are over. These days i barely have time to update with pics here, and my watering consist of splashing dabs of this and that in a few liters of water and dumping them into the base of my pots.

Well that has all changed and i would like to share with the people of AFN what i have found to be a great product in the past but now ill be growing with exclusively. The @gbd created Mephisto Autoflower Mix, i have had great results on a few test to date and after talking with GBD i have made the decision the switch my routine. I need simple and it doesnt get much more simple than straight bubbled tap....

Now you have to watch the @mephisto site closely. This stuff is sold out most of the time but when you catch it availabale grab it up yourself lol...

Anyhow, heres the deal. I have been meaning to start this journal over a week now (see the time issue lol) so i have some plants going already. I did however mix up a batch today after talking to an old friend here it inspired me to drop a @Magic strains Witch Doctor.

I use 2tbs per gallon of medium on the bottom half of my pots. I use 5 gallon pots so you can do the math lol. The Autoflower mix is mixed with Roots Original and i toss in 2 heaping hand fulls of worm castings as well. Then be sure to mix well and your bottom half will be the amended soil then the top half worm castings and roots only.

Heres a few pics


I will be updating all of my future grows here i hope you all come and take this new journey with me and see what this Autoflower mix is all about.
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Setup will be the same as always only the soil and mix have changed.

Veg light : Amare SE20

Flowering light : Amare SE450UVB

Soil : Roots Organic Original

Water : Bubbled Tap

Nutrients / Amendments: GBD Autoflower Soil Mix, Recharge 1 time weekly @double strength

Pots : 5gal smart pots

Lights cycle : 20/4

Genetics : Everything awesome i can get my hands on.

Here the started plants.

Sweet seeds : Bloody skunk

And the newest : Mephisto : Skyrone Stomper

Subbed in quickly for a front row seat.
Probably no coincidence .... I placed an order for the GBD Autoflower Soil Mix on the Black Friday sale -- still waiting for delivery. And I've got the Roots Organics Original on order too. Can't wait to give it a try. Glad to hear that your results so far have been so compelling. I have enjoyed mixing the "A-Train" special concoctions over the past few months - but the time involved is a luxury that I can't count on always having. That's why I've continued to experiment with Biotabs, and why I placed an order for the GBD mix.
Thanks for starting up this thread. :pighug:
Subbed in quickly for a front row seat.
Probably no coincidence .... I placed an order for the GBD Autoflower Soil Mix on the Black Friday sale -- still waiting for delivery. And I've got the Roots Organics Original on order too. Can't wait to give it a try. Glad to hear that your results so far have been so compelling. I have enjoyed mixing the "A-Train" special concoctions over the past few months - but the time involved is a luxury that I can't count on always having. That's why I've continued to experiment with Biotabs, and why I placed an order for the GBD mix.
Thanks for starting up this thread. :pighug:
I feel ya. Its fun to experiment but the aspect of water and go is amazing . Glad to have ya
Growing at a very fast rate. It may take me a while to sort out how these plants should be treated. The style and growth rate is completely different than the AN regiment....

Happy and healthy....

Bloody skunk....


Skyrone stomper
