Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

Thanks buddy.... her sister is pretty nice too ... next week some time I'll get her out and they'll both be coming down
And that's why she is in the BOM!
I think ima need more jars..........
Helga is turning out to be something special.... I didn't alter this pic at all... just look at the colors.... I wish they stayed that way after dry and cure... this photo was taken under 6500 k cfl with note 3 and flash on..
Helga is turning out to be something special.... I didn't alter this pic at all... just look at the colors.... I wish they stayed that way after dry and cure... this photo was taken under 6500 k cfl with note 3 and flash on..View attachment 498728
Man that is beautiful I really love the way they are so vivid I can only imagine it's gonna taste so good and yeah that would be awesome if they stayed after dry and cure
Thanks ... and the funny thing is... the other ultimate olga didn't purple at all.. I chatted with loki and he said he had 1 out of 5 or 6 ultimates that purples so guess there is a pheno of ultimate that will purp