Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

Jan 8, 2015
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Hello all...... the 420 Express has reached its final designation and it's time to begin another adventure. This round I'll be stuffing 2 auto ultimates in a 3x3x5 tent, I'll be strapping, chaining, tie-in, beating and any other form of LST I need to use to try and maximize my space as much as possible and maintain a nice even canopy. Or at least that's the plan.

Tent: 3x3x5 secret Jardin, air cooled hood, and phresh carbon filter.

Lighting: 600w metal halide veg and 600w hortilux hps for flower.

Pots and soil: 5 gallon smart pots filled with promix bx with 1tbs/gal ESPOMA garden lime added in.

Nutes: Advanced Nutrients grow / micro / bloom base nutes , vodoo juice, b52, Big Bud, and overdrive. Botanicare 0-15-0 ph down, general organics cal/mag plus.

Just dropped the seeds in a cup of water today so hopefully they both germ seeing as I only have 2 lol. There is a backup plan if one doesn't make it I will add an og kush auto from nirvana and another auto spanish d.

Thanks fellas the more the merrier. The Lil seeds sank in the cup this a.m so there in a paper towel waiting to see a Lil tap root then it's on the the smart pots to begin the journey.

Any one who has grown this strain that has any advice on the feed needs or things like cal/mag needs PLEASE post anything would be helpful @The Elvis ,@JAYAR , @Roark
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Ok guys we got a small tap on one and a cracked she'll on the other. I usually plant as soon as I get the small tap directly into final pot but. .... I have company coming I to town tom and it'll be an extra day before I can move things around. So my question is how long do the guys who use paper towels let there tap roots get before dropping them into soil? I'm sure they'll be fine but hearing from my peeps is a big help. Thanks