Lighting A noob tries DWC - LED .many strains -in deep & sinking fast

Looks like you got alot goin on there! Whats your ph runoffon those white dwarfs? Have you fed them yet? Their lookin a little yellow ,maybe a shot of calmag and some feed would straighten them out.
:thumbs:Hey Phoenix.. cheers for looking in . i have not checked for a while but last time i did i added PH 6.5 & it came out 7.2.... so i flushed with some PH 5.8 & they went down to about 6.8 i think,but this was acouple weeks took a lot of water though so they stayed pretty soggy for a while?.The really sorry looking 1 is a bag seed so im not bothered about that 1 but it is an indication of how the others are going i think?. hopefully the WD's are a bit tougher though.

I havn't feed them at all yet but did give a small amount if epsom salts last water & a light spray yesterday... i guessed they where already burning so i thought feed was a deffinate nono ?. I also thought that if they did do ok in the mp compost then i wouldn't need to feed them for a while so havn't bought any soil nutes yet.... but i do have cal/mg ... & how about formulex...thats ok for soil yea?. If you surgest a light feed is the way to go then thats what ill do mate as i really am just winging it here lol .... any ideas on amounts of each per litre would be cool as :bow:I'll take some pics of them & post later ... thanks again man:peace:
I'm not familiar with formulex bro,i thought it was a hydro nute but not positive.You should be checkin your ph runoff every water,i water just enuf to get about 10% runoff coming out of the pots and check that. I'd be willing to bet your ph shot back up in the 7's again when you check it. I'd be willing to say that at 25 days your plants have ate everything in your pots and its time to get them some food-start at 1/4 strength of whatever your nute bottle says and see how they react and then SLOWLY work it up after that in the weeks coming. How big a pots are the wd's in?
I looked back thru your journal again as i have the memory retention of a gnat lately,your compost is pre ferted? The white dwarfs don't look burned to me bro. when i've gotten nute burn on occasion it hits the tips first with yellow/brown. Here's what i would do if it were me and take this as just a suggestion until someone else chimes in if you'd like. I would start with 1 gallon water,2ml calmag,1/4 strength of whatever soil nutes you got,and get it ph'ed to 6.5-i don't know your pot size so i'm going with 1 liter per pot of the mix-check your runoff.
I'm not familiar with formulex bro,i thought it was a hydro nute but not positive.You should be checkin your ph runoff every water,i water just enuf to get about 10% runoff coming out of the pots and check that. I'd be willing to bet your ph shot back up in the 7's again when you check it. I'd be willing to say that at 25 days your plants have ate everything in your pots and its time to get them some food-start at 1/4 strength of whatever your nute bottle says and see how they react and then SLOWLY work it up after that in the weeks coming. How big a pots are the wd's in?

Hey Phoenix , yea its a hydro nute but says soil on the bottle as well...i think its best for seedlings in hydro but ok for the whole grow in soil so i'll whack a bit in & see how it goes....the pots are 6ltr airpots & im using ammended water like astro & co ... do you think it could be my LED ?. They did go in a bit early & i may have had the light a bit to low ?....thanks very much for your input bud.really greatfull :thumbs:... looks like i need to start another journal already lol ,dont want to confuse anyone looking in here i guess ,so i will start a journal for these in the dirt section tonight i think ... right now im got some feed to mix up i recon !:peace:
Formulex is for cuttings and seedlings and "soft". The WD's look very hungry. If that was my only alternative right now, I'd be tempted to give them stronger than 1/4 strength. But I haven't used it, and that's just a feeling I have...
Hey Phoenix , yea its a hydro nute but says soil on the bottle as well...i think its best for seedlings in hydro but ok for the whole grow in soil so i'll whack a bit in & see how it goes....the pots are 6ltr airpots & im using ammended water like astro & co ... do you think it could be my LED ?. They did go in a bit early & i may have had the light a bit to low ?....thanks very much for your input bud.really greatfull :thumbs:... looks like i need to start another journal already lol ,dont want to confuse anyone looking in here i guess ,so i will start a journal for these in the dirt section tonight i think ... right now im got some feed to mix up i recon !:peace:
LOL,bro,i wouldn't "whack a bit" in there-i'd measure and record what you added so you know exactly how much you put in-that way you know how much to add or subtract the next time you feed. Don't forget to get a runoff!
thats not nute burn mate its lack of feed, you should start out on at least .9ec, the reason the plant was stunted was cause she had no feed to sustain growth

1st week id start out with 60ml of rhizo and use formulex to get it to 1.0-1.2 ec


60ml of rhizo and use canna aqaua vega and get it to 0.9-1.0

LOL,bro,i wouldn't "whack a bit" in there-i'd measure and record what you added so you know exactly how much you put in-that way you know how much to add or subtract the next time you feed. Don't forget to get a runoff!

Lol yea sorry Phoenix:Dgave them half strenth formulex at 2.5ml per litre, 1ml per litre rhizotonic & 0.5ml per litre cal/mg :thumbs: hopefully they will perk up a bit now ? looks like iv'e gone from 1 extream to the other & missed the middle bit all together :jump:

Ill do a quick update asap with some more pics just taken ....
There you go Vira... The big dogs are looking in.. I told ya!! :toke:

Mate you have a lot going on man... Too much if you ask me... I'd be concentrating on one method of growing at a time mate.. Hydro or soil.. Trying to keep an eye on both.... For a noob... Phew!!

Just saying Vira.. I want you to do well dude..


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