cheers dog ,agreed mate:buds:
agreed,as in we would defo get on bro .... not that im a funny bas**rd..that wouldn't be funny!!:smokebuds:
UPDATE ..Blue mammoth in DWC DAY 32
EC - 1.3(should go upto 1.4 in next 12hrs)
PH - 5.75(will be 5.8+in next 12HRS)
Temps - cab=72of .. res=18oc ... RH=45%
In the bucket went ....
7ml cal/mg grow
15ml rhizo
18ml zym
30ml aqua vega A+B
5ml silica...(to up PH)
OK,the 30ml of aqua was a bit much but once i added 2 lt of water with 5ml of silica it was at 1.3ec ... PH was still a bit low so added a few drops of up to get 5.75 ....
Shes bushed right out in just the last 48hrs+ & looking nice & green in natural light....things are defo going a lot better since i removed my 240w china spechal LED & got the blue lab EC stik !!...cant help thinking how big she would be if i was dialed in from day1 ....BUT i got a call from a dude at grow northern & will get my ms0006 next tuesday ...I'll be blazin 270w of kickass LED in there by end of the week !. (cant fookin wait lol).
The cal/mg issue is not to bad...just 2-4 lower leaves & not servere at all :booya:hope upping to 7ml sorts it.
Thats about it for only slight concern is the really dark nute build up in the centre of the root mass ??.. but most of it looks nice & they are growing fast as well .....pixels to follow :group:
These little dudes sprouted a few days ago...not sure which day but its a couple pages back ... started pretty slow after going into the 10ltr airpots but all my sprouts do so nothing new lol..think the ph6.4 flush of the pots could have been done a bit earlier !...but there starting to go now & maybe its the big pot that slowed them to start with ,as there tap root has plenty of soil to mooch about in !
Got there 1st TINY feed to day ...2ml-ltr rhizo(half strenth) & 1ml formulex(20% strenth)-PH-6.6....Hope they do well & they should/might have there own tent before xmas

.... quick Q for the lads who tier there small pots/cups ect... the runt is ina pot noodle -when should i tier into larger pot ,Astro ,Pheonix ect ???.!!:smoke:
White ?
gave another feed today of ionic bloom at 4ml -ltr (it says 7ml/ltr on the bottle)i guess thats plenty for a stunted auto !! + 0.5ml cal/mg bloom & 0.5ml silica...
PH went in at 6.4 at out at 7.1 =7.8 .... a lot better than the 9 they where on,but still way to high !!!...water at 6.2in a couplee days.
thats all for now folks....well loads of pics to follow & btw :smokebuds::hug:i fookin love you guys !!!:hug::buds: