WOW thanks for all the rep everyone... i got some red cheeks now lol... how do i dish some out now?..can think of some dudes i need to slap!...does the smiley do it ?
EC - 1.2 (should go up a bit when nutes disolve)
PH - 5.6 (WILL go up !)
Temps - cab=72o f & res=16o c , RH=45%
In the bucket went...
6ml cal/mg
15ml rhizo(running low!)
30ml Canna aqua A&B
18ml cannazym
4ml silica (i used this to up the ph & get 5.6 without any up/down

Ok ,after getting a bluelab ive worked out that me & my EC meter where screwing up bigtime... i should be on 1.6 by now ,but what i thought was 1.4 was in fact 0.7 so last res change went from 0.7 upto 1.1 .... now its upto 1.3 by tonight i hope?. i may do another early res change on friday ect & upit again to try & catch up to where i should be....but not too quickly to shock or burn her.
hope i doing the right thing & any ideas of a better way & im al ears !!.
Im even more convinced that my LED was hurting my plants as the syptoms have stopped and they are ALL stretching now ,which is new....before the all stayed really squat,evcen with the light 36" plus away when seedlings where in there ???. not trying to blame me tools like lol... NEW LED ASAP !!!...
wd's in airopts .... shit !.. but starting to flower & smell ! coulpe 3 gramers i recon !.
2 That popped 1st looking good but one looked like it was dying under the dome for a while so removed it & she seems happy now ... the last one popped a day later as is a runt i think...much slower than her big sisters...they went into 10lt airpots & the runt into a pot noodle !... any dirt lovers out there...i could really use some help with these girls as DWC has taken over my brain for so long lol...; gave a tiny water this morn & will do an update on them later ,as i got work soon & its 5.55am here !!!

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