Lighting A noob tries DWC - LED .many strains -in deep & sinking fast

quick update ...

Blue mammoth in 30

EC - 1.2

PH- 5.7

She flashed her monkey at me lads !!! :dance:always nice to see:drool: :booya:just 4 tiny pistols from the top node.....I guess this is the turning point & things get interesting from here!,its day 30(just)& im about 1/3 of the way there.... Question is when do i switch to bloom & how ??.straight swap from vega to flores..... some of each , ??.Not sure....cant remember... will go check Seymours TD grow i think,he goes into it there or the SR grow ! When can i start with the carbo load ect !!??...Do i need to get potash asap (final nute yet to get)....

I want to switch to flower asap just to get my 1st grow under my belt...dont care about weight ect with this one,just want the experience of finishing a grow..... & actually smoke something that ive made happen & is ten times nicer than the shit i pay £10 g for atm ! . Not having to spend my hard earned on pond weed would probably change my life a lot lol .

Dont want to jinx it but in starting to get excited & cant belive ive got this far already !..all thanks to you lot on here.

pics ,fastbud going slow!:peace:
Woohoo on the monkey flash lol! Can't wait to see her gettin her bud on!
Woohoo on the monkey flash lol! Can't wait to see her gettin her bud on!

:buds:heres to monkey bro!! , me neither mate .Exciting times:smokebuds:

quick note to Kush n Ko!... started this res on 1.3....was upto 1.4 today & the PH dropped to 5.6 from 5.7..... also spotted tiny bit of burn on the tips of 2 leaves,so dropped it to 1.2 with a L of PH 6.0 water(back upto 5.7):group:
:peace:quick update ... BM in DWC

Cal/ mg def is getting worse ??..uped from 3ml to 6ml last res(3days ago) but is spreading to other leaves still ect.will take some pics with a proper update later or tomorrow morn...hope dog n ko see this :shrug:
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What up Vira...

Ok your BM is looking pretty good friend.. So on your 3rd pic there is a little cal def spot.. On the first pic.. The one with the burnt tips.. That leaf to me looks hungry.. See the way it's kinda going pale between the veins.. Thats a sign of hunger.. Now I'm not sure how long she has been showing you the paleness but I'd change her res & up it to 1.4EC hmm maybe even 1.5 EC... Why she hungry & also showing a touch of tip burn is beyond me... But I've seen it in my tent as well bro..

What SB has taught me is that if your lady shows you a deficiency it means she hasn't enough goodies in her res.. So she eating from her own reserves.. That means up her food... Although in this case I'd be tempted to... Give a little more sensical as SB normally use 6ml in his res's but his starting EC is higher than ours @ .4 where as ours is .2 so he already has more cal/mg in his base water so if your starting EC is lower (ours is) then your probably gonna need a nip more cal/mg in your res than he needs to use... Are you following me Vira... Although I have to admit that this is just a theory of my own conjuring..

But I know for sure if she is showing spots she ain't got enough in her res...

It's definitely not easy mate.. It's a real fine balance between def & burn... That elusive sweet spot that the bossman slips into each & every time is still quite hard for me to nail.. I mean if you look at the leaves in my big girl... Well she looks awful.. Sheer learning curve slapping me around.

Give her 7ml sensical Grow then make up your EC with your canna aqua to 1.5.. & move her pH up to 5.8-5.9 now that she whipped out her monkey for ya... :drool:

My mazar is now 33-34 days old.. I have her on an EC of 1.8 since last night.. So if after you give her 1.5 EC & she still shows hunger/cal def then up it again... But always post your pics so we can try to diagnose that it definitely is hunger/def.. As cal toxicity can come into it as well... But I know what that looks like so... Plenty normal light pics lad..

pH creeping up also normally means that she's is being underfed mate... She is breaking down the elements in the pH +/- to use as food coz she ain't enough in her res... Which in turn means that her pH starts creeping up because the buffer is being scranned..

When you sit back & think how it all works it's pretty simple... It's just in putting it into practice that.... Takes practice..

Your doing well Vira as we know that DWC ain't for the faint hearted.. It takes I bit of guile to get right... & I'm not known for my guile!! :no:

As for switching to bloom nutes... I'd switch her over next weekend mate... If you switch to soon you'll slow her upward growth prematurely... & we all know ladies don't like their men to shoot their bolt too early.. :brow:

Good luck Vira... & I got your (DWC) back bro ok... Well whatever knowledge I can pass on from you know who... I will gladly..

Kush :group:

Now back to sleep for me... Zzzzzzz
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I'll 2nd that... DWC of course... :group:

Hey Dog ,thx for looking in mate.Few Q's !!!

The cal/mg is very slight but has moved to a couple other leaves a spread a bit on the 1st two...all since the new res ,does it take a while to do its thing or should i be worried ??.

Just been checking seymours TD grow & he said hes" switching to bloom as she has shown sex for more than 10 days now" that the general way to go or is anytime from now ok?....i will leave it a bit longer as shes only small for day30 ,but im also keen get a shifty on ,so what do ya recon bro??.

have a good day & thx for the likes dude:smokebuds:
Look up... Is it a bird.. A plane.. No it's a little guidance.. KTD style.. (Passed down from the chosen one) lol.
What up Vira...

Ok your BM is looking pretty good friend.. So on your 3rd pic there is a little cal def spot.. On the first pic.. The one with the burnt tips.. That leaf to me looks hungry.. See the way it's kinda going pale between the veins.. Thats a sign of hunger.. Now I'm not sure how long she has been showing you the paleness but I'd change her res & up it to 1.4EC.. Why she hungry & also showing a touch of tip burn is beyond me... But I've seen it in my tent as well bro..

What SB has taught me is that if your lady shows you a deficiency it means she hasn't enough goodies in her res.. So she eating from her own reserves.. That means up her food... Although in this case I'd be tempted to... Give a little more sensical as SB normally use 6ml in his res's but his starting EC is higher than ours @ .4 where as ours is .2 so he already has more cal/mg in his base water so if your starting EC is lower (ours is) then your probably gonna need a nip more cal/mg in your res than he needs to use... Are you following me Vira... Although I have to admit that this is just a theory of my own conjuring..

But I know for sure if she is showing spots she ain't got enough in her res...

It's definitely not easy mate.. It's a real fine balance between def & burn... That elusive sweet spot that the bossman slips into each & every time is still quite hard for me to nail.. I mean if you look at the leaves in my big girl... Well she looks awful.. Sheer learning curve slapping me around.

7ml sensical Grow then make up your EC with your canna aqua to 1.4.. pH 5.6-5.7...

Kush ...I am followin ya !!.AGAIN thanks very much mate trying to follow to the letter bro & feel a bit of a mupp for dropping the cal to make more room for aqua ,when all along it was me n my meter calibrating skillz that was the problem lol...always learning hey!!at least ive managed to cram nearly every fukup going into a rellitivly small space of time & hopefully wont make them again !.

could the tip burn be from when i jumped from 0.7(1.4 on shit meter) to 1.1 ??

UP to 1.4 you think?...Ok bro ,will do....but it did go upto 1.4 from 1.3 yesterday or the day before & the PH dropped for the 1st time ever ,so i guessded it was to much & dropped back down to 1.2 ...but then i did not notice any underfeed symptoms & the PH drop could be her getting ready to flower ??? . :shrug: