Lighting A noob tries DWC - LED .many strains -in deep & sinking fast

hello v! i dont know much about dwc, but they look good! :booya:i think you will have it dialed in soon! :buds:root kharma sent!:wiz:
Hey Lostboy.thanks for looking in & putting my mind at rest !...could you tell i had a little stressy on :smoke:.. i thought it must be staining ect, after my initall toy throwing !...added some cannazym last night & will check on her soon as i get home,PH was 5.7 this morning (still steadilly riseing)im guessing 5.9 this evening,but i will wait & see if it goes over 6.0 before i add any down.

That Knomo looks very nice n dank mmmmm well played sir !! do you have a lournal going on here ? feel free to put a link here if you do:smokebuds::peace:
Mr A ..good to see you sir.

Thankyou for the encouragement :group:& karma my friend... it all puts a big ol smile on my face !!
& may all your plants grow strong & all your budz be dank:smokeit::peace:
Don't mix cannazym with h2o2.
When it comes to the dead roots it is better to remove them, when there is not much of it (it doesn't mean to chop the whole root system, just cut out dead ones 'little scissors'), but you indeed need to be 100 % sure they are dead and not just brown (nutrients). You should add cal/mag above the base nutrients : example canna aqua a/b 30 and if your ppm/ec is to low you can add cal/mag on it. If you use tap-water you actually not even need it in this stage ( 1-3ml would not harm :p ) , rizotonic can never be to much of, you can add it as last component when mixing...
BTW i use same nutrient line as you and check my roots are not brown :s
Maybe it is because of formulex, who knows..
Don't be using any H202 Vira... You've started with the zym so if your concerned about your roots just keep on with that..

Although there is nothing wrong with your roots anyway bro..

Only use H202 after harvest to sterilise your equipment... I'm not saying you can't use H202 in DWC... You can... But not with any zym's.

Your roots are fine & growing well.. Your doing good man...

If your pH is creeping up it means (according to Agito & I believe him) that the plant is breaking down the Phosphorus in the buffer & using it as food.. Hence the pH rise as its not buffering the solution but being eaten instead..

What did your EC settle at after your last change??

If the Rhizo & cal/mg is sending your EC to high... To the point that you can hardly get any proper food into the solution.. Then I'd pull back a bit with them & make sure that I have decent levels of feed in there.. It's important to supply enough feed for them to prosper.. The roots will still grow without any stim... My Mazar is on the genesis feed.. No root stim.. No nothing in there except genesis.. Her roots are doing fine..

I can't remember what my EC went to after sensical & Rhizo... So long since I used it... But I'd guess... Base water= .2 + Rhizo = .3 + cal/mg =.4.... Ish??

If your pH is constantly rising she is telling you she wants more feed... So raise it by .1 EC & monitor..

It's not easy bro... But you'll get there.. & when you get her happy & growing (DWC style)... That's when the work really begins..

Keep us posted Holmes..
Sorry Ko.... But that's wrong bro... Always add cal/mg first.. According to SB It must dissolve first.. Or it can mess up the rest of your nutes.. It doesn't mix well if added after base nutes..

Ko is correct about the fact that you might not need Cal/mg supplement at all.. I need it because of the type of LEDs I use... But I'm thinking your LEDs won't be as intense... Ko uses it because he uses RO water..

Next res try it without any sensical... But if you start noticing dark shiny marks like little bruises on your leaves then get some into a fresh res ASAP... The dark marks quickly turn copper & crispy.. Not good..

Do you always have water bubbling Vira... If not you should... Always... Just in case a fresh res is needed sharpish..

Anyway bro just trying to help..
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Sorry Ko.... But that's wrong bro... Add cal/mg first..
Cal/mag is already presented in your base nutrients. Do you know why (except when you need to buffer your solution first) you need to do it first? I use it and would like to use it correctly :), but it doesn't seems to be logical to me. :howdy:
Yeah Ko mate... I'm not exactly sure why... Seymour said it... That's good enough for me...

It's something to do with calcium not mixing well after other nutes have dissolved in there..

As you's know I'm now using the genesis 3 part for my mazar.. Now normally I'd mix Micro then grow then bloom... But SB told me to mix it grow then bloom then micro... The grow part is the one with the calcium in it...
