Outdoor A Journey to Myself or How to become better man again

These Sweet Seeds beasts are killing my nerves, they're growing to fast! I did nothing others on the supersoilmix and therefore i dunno why this happens, had to put 4 pots out of the tent and will bring em outdoors midst week to slow the growth down...
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Damn Mongol... you're killing it. Nice frigging plants!

the corn outdoors is growing to slow and delivers me extra problems, will need another 2-3 weeks to be high:baked: enough...
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Perfect timing.
See the tractor tires tracks at the entrance and exit of the field? Lay about an inch of dirt about one or two feet long on the tracks. This way you'll know when the farmer returns to spray for weeds. And he will. After that, it's safe to drop your weed in there because the farmer won't go back until harvest time.

The best camo for planting in a corn field is where the corn planter missed spots. You can see them where the corn seedlings are NOT growing. Go for a walk and look for flaws in the planting. You'll usually find some in corners, but sometimes on the periphery. Never in the middle.



Good luck!
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Growing in Coco is easy. Hell even I can do it.

Thanks for the pics. It is always nice to see different places.

Growing to fast %@*&!!! One day, oh one day it may happen to us all.
Morning Nosias,

me also like to see the different places off the other growers, thanks for stopping in.
Damn Mongol... you're killing it. Nice frigging plants!

Perfect timing.
See the tractor tires tracks at the entrance and exit of the field? Lay about an inch of dirt about one or two feet long on the tracks. This way you'll know when the farmer returns to spray for weeds. And he will. After that, it's safe to drop your weed in there because the farmer won't go back until harvest time.

The best camo for planting in a corn field is where the corn planter missed spots. You can see them where the corn seedlings are NOT growing. Go for a walk and look for flaws in the planting. You'll usually find some in corners, but sometimes on the periphery. Never in the middle.
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Good luck!
Thanks Tycho,

me loves the corn field also, but i would never grow canna plants in the ground of a corn field, always using grow bags, last year i had 100 and 250 liter grow bags...much to big, this year will use 56 liter Root Pouch and Smart Pots, don't know how it's done in your area, but in mine farmers use lots of chemicals especially Round Up/Glyphosat to protect their fields and canna plants would uptake it and me hitting my lungs with it isn't really an option.
Yup not much planting in corn around here. A lot of Broad leaves killer chemicals on the field's down here. [emoji88][emoji107]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Cheers G2G,

altough sometimes a little cocktail could help swing...:crying:
Morning Nosias,

me also like to see the different places off the other growers, thanks for stopping in.
Here where I live in Colorado I am on the "Front Range" The Rocky Mountains run North to South. They form a very visible line of foothills and mountains. We are 5030 feet high on an open plain. To our west are the Rockies to the East are the Great Plains. The great plaies runs for well over a 1000 miles and drop to only 300 - 400 feet. It is a very gradual slope from the Front Range to the East.
We are 10 miles from the Front Range. We are on a high desert here.

Here some pics. This is what it looks like looking west from my home. The building of whole neighbor hoods here will change this view.


Sunrise. Looking West to see the colors on the mountains. These two peaks are over 14,000 feet tall

These are pics of Rocky Mountain National Park. WE are an hour away. These were taken in Sept last year.



The Aspen trees are all yellow
Here where I live in Colorado I am on the "Front Range" The Rocky Mountains run North to South. They form a very visible line of foothills and mountains. We are 5030 feet high on an open plain. To our west are the Rockies to the East are the Great Plains. The great plaies runs for well over a 1000 miles and drop to only 300 - 400 feet. It is a very gradual slope from the Front Range to the East.
We are 10 miles from the Front Range. We are on a high desert here.

Here some pics. This is what it looks like looking west from my home. The building of whole neighbor hoods here will change this view.
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Sunrise. Looking West to see the colors on the mountains. These two peaks are over 14,000 feet tall
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These are pics of Rocky Mountain National Park. WE are an hour away. These were taken in Sept last year.
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The Aspen trees are all yellow
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Just beautiful bro, what a amazing part of the world you are lucky enough to live in. Then of course as always to be destroyed over time by so called development, hope with all my heart it continues to be enjoyed by many generations to come yet.
Here where I live in Colorado I am on the "Front Range" The Rocky Mountains run North to South. They form a very visible line of foothills and mountains. We are 5030 feet high on an open plain. To our west are the Rockies to the East are the Great Plains. The great plaies runs for well over a 1000 miles and drop to only 300 - 400 feet. It is a very gradual slope from the Front Range to the East.
We are 10 miles from the Front Range. We are on a high desert here.

Here some pics. This is what it looks like looking west from my home. The building of whole neighbor hoods here will change this view.
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Sunrise. Looking West to see the colors on the mountains. These two peaks are over 14,000 feet tall
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These are pics of Rocky Mountain National Park. WE are an hour away. These were taken in Sept last year.
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The Aspen trees are all yellow
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Wow, lucky boy!:thumbsup:

Now i'm really jealous, beautifull view and land...at the first moment i head the impression of a canna planatation from one horizont on the left to the other at the right, thanks for showing.:toke:
Just beautiful bro, what a amazing part of the world you are lucky enough to live in. Then of course as always to be destroyed over time by so called development, hope with all my heart it continues to be enjoyed by many generations to come yet.
It is very beautiful indeed. The Park is so wild and very breath taking.
We moved here from Houston, TX last July. They have said the State of Colorado will double by 2050. They way they are building homes I think it will be sooner. I have an ole classmate who lives in Madrid. We hope to go see her next year.