Outdoor A Journey to Myself or How to become better man again

I found your corn farmers meme online...
:cuss::dammit::cuss: Mongol mate, very sucky to hear about those girls, and the spot,...guerilla grows are not for the faint hearted! Bloody wacko weather- :doh:- not even the green corn to help disguise them,.... I'm not surprised at the ants finding your pots to be prime real estate- :rofl:... that moisture is a powerful draw, especially now!
..I'm stoked to see the GPFV doing her thing- :d5:... you can see why they are so perfect for the right applications,.... the rest look pretty damn good all things considered! And as painful as it is, you're very wise to cut down the laggers at this point, nothing but liability remains in them- :nono:
I'll be sending you extra :goodluck::karmacloud: :goodluck: to help see the rest through! :pighug: :slap: ... way to gut it out my man!

.... :jawdrop: holy crap, WTF did he do with that motor, nitrous injection?! You couldn't pay me to be anywhere near that freakin' shrapnel-grenade of a motor! :poof: :redcard: :crying:

I wasn't at " Harmony " i think more then 10 days and what i saw made me happy,
some dens buds are at one plant,
ans another one is in full bloom,
but the other 2 still far away!
There is still the question for how long until the farmer will cut the corn,
if i ad the 5 weeks the other was harvested i count another 3 weeks,
that would be near end of september?!
Oh my, what to do?
What ya think another week or 2 for this one?








At least maybe 100 gr. for my personal use would be fine!

Happy growing AFN!
From fail to fail success MUST come!
I am a believer!

I have been growing in the corn for several years now dude. The earliest the farmer has chopped here is mid October, but it is usually cut last week of October - first week of November here. I should make it clear that the field I grow in is forage maize for livestock though, not corn of the cob intended for human consumption. I think the corn (not forage maize) is cut a few weeks earlier during first - second week of October. It depends what type of field you are in?

I know the feeling of being anxious, I have had it the past 3 years with semi-auto/FV photoperiods ripening up in the cornfield against the clock. Sometimes I haven't been able to sleep at night because of it. I always end up harvesting a week or so early, out of fear, only for the maize to remain in place for another 2 weeks or so... which is frustrating. I guess it's a massive gamble though at the end of the day. And it's better to be safe, than sorry, which forces your hand and makes you end up harvesting early. Which is also why I stuck to autos in the cornfield this year. Everything is harvested now. I will be doing autos in the cornfield again next year. In and out quick. By September 1st this year.

Fingers crossed for you man! :thumbsup:
Hey Mongol, I've been reluctant to visit here, in fear of more corn harvesting. Here's to a late corn harvest and a bountiful harvest for The Mong, in 2 weeks!

Every time I drive past a cornfield, I picture you on your bicycle, pulling a trailer full of water jugs.
Holy sh*t wow Mongol I just caught up on all the the bad luck you had dude Jesus Christ I'm sorry about that man holy sh*t that is no way to grow weed man so sorry to hear that I'm glad you still got 7 though that's better than none you still got a hope and a prayer. I'll keep my fingers crossed I'm praying to the Canna Gods that all is good for Mongol.
Grow on grow bro take care man[emoji482]
