Indoor A.B.S. Diesel Ryder Test

Day 23

Quick one before bed...
All is well in the tent, looks like 4 is about to start flowering but the other 3 are still in veg.

Second sowing is on day 5 now, they are all doing well! I'm wondering if they might like dirt better than the rooters...
Day 24 (yesterday )

All good in the hood, been running around like crazy today and meant to catch up this morning. These pics are from yesterday and number 4 is definitely in flower now. Should be a good sized plant if it stetches a fair amount.






I promise I'll be back with some fuzz pics tomorrow! :-)
Hey man, I'm good! Just about to post some pics for today. # 4 is blowing up now, and the other three are gearing up to do the same. :-) I'll be heading to my cabin this weekend for some much needed time off, been crazy round here for me recently. Always nice to welcome a youngern into the world! I hope your plants are healthy! I'll check em out this weekend. :friday:
Day 26

Alrighty then, all first sown plants are flowering now, 4 is looking awesome! The other three are gonna start to explode here in the next couple of days and I'm guessing # 4 will stretch like crazy!
The seedlings are doing very well with more humidity, definitely much bigger leaves (thanks hush!), and are also liking the t5 better than the 600 wattt. This is day 8 for them.






Well I'm off to the mountains, catch ya with another update sunday evening. :)
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Day 28

Yippee! A mostly relaxing weekend! :-)
Things are definitely bigger since Friday, number 4 put on 2.5 inches of stretch on both large stems in 48 hours and the stems are still bendable, not hardening yet... probably switch them to under the t5s with some bloom bulbs and switch the sprouts under the 600 in a few days. The sprouts can get to sex at least before I switch the tent to 12/12 for the blueberry. After they are all trained, the t5 should be plenty for some nice buds!


Second sowing is coming right along, looking very healthy and happy! :-)

Noticed some purple highlights on a couple of the sprouts...

We'll see if #4 can come close to 1.5 inches additional stretch by tomorrow's check in.
Goodnight! :snooze:
Day 29

Well I just looked at the sprouts closer than yesterday and it seems a couple are having a hard time. They're looking discolored and wrinkly, I'm not sure why, ph is good and it hasn't gotten too hot... one of them is right next to a healthy one in the same pot, and it would seem if one was having ph, nute or temp problems they would both be affected. I'm puzzled...



Any advice would be great! @HushSeeds

The larger plants are doing well it seems, starting to get some curly new growth leaves but it might just be temporary while they stretch for a few hours at a time. The light was a bit close, so it's back to 19-20 inches above the canopy. The first time I noticed the leaves "drooping", on and off, on newly flowering autos, I thought for sure I was overwatering, but after watching very closely I noticed they go through cycles as they stretch and the leaves stop drooping once it reaches it's final height. I'm going on three days now since the last watering so even if it was that they should be recovered by now. Maybe I'm crazy or stupid but I have never found another reason for it happening, the way I'm seeing, that's related to grow problems... please enlighten me if you think I'm overlooking something! :)


Well I'm getting tired again, I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully they'll give me an answer in my dreams... lol
Argh! I just found thrips on some leaves! Must have brought them in from outside... Squished what I could see and gonna spray some neem before it's too late...
It's excactly as you say Surf freak, nothing to add to that.

The situation with your younger plants is just that one is out competing the other. Nothing much to do about that, just hope that the bigger one will be a female. (usually not, but 1 in 5 that it is.)

Other than that it could be that they're too high on minerals and too low on organics.

Not nessesarily a bad thing in bloom, but for now ya gotto watch out what you feed. When in doubt, than rather don't feed at all and only go with clean water for a while. Flushing would be overkill though.
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