Lighting 636 PPF or 1104 PPF for 2'x4' tent

Jul 16, 2016
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Hi all, I am beginning my next jouney into the COB world, would like to share specs and opinions regarding ppf.

Going with..

6*048-1212 @ 50W (2x 4000k; 4x 3000k 80 CRI)
HLG-320H-C1400B driver
Arctic CPU heatsinks
Thermal adhesive for mounting

2x 5gal air pots w/ Roots soil
Top twice for SCROG (will be first time topping)
Organic nutrient and compost teas

Should cost only $240 for the parts meaning 2.67 PF/$ (sorry if this is incorrect unit) or $0.8/W

From datasheets I've calculated that 6*048-1212 COBs at 50W each should provide 636 PPF or 715 PPFD in the 8 sqft tent.

My question is should I keep adding lights once the 6 048s are complete? I've calculated that adding 2x 058-1825s with a HLG-240H-C2100B meanwell should add another 504 PPF for a total of 1104 pr 1242 PPFD. Which would run another 195 dollars or so, unless I used the 058s which are already running (at 70W).

I'm on a budget and want to maximize light intensity for least cost. Would the yield difference justify adding 2x 058-1825s @ 109W ea? Are the 6x 048s plenty of light for a 2x4 tent? Or should I add all the juice I can to the punchbowl?

Looking to grow some Dinafem OG Kush photoperiods and seeking to maximize yield this time. How long would you veg?

thanks for reading, peace
If your on budget maybe consider running a few more cobs at a lower amperage. 8-1812's would probably be the best bang for your buck.

Cob kits has hlg-120h-48 which can run 4 1812's at 37w each for 32$ That will put you just about 300w for the best lit 2x4 ever
hm but wouldn't that add up to be more with the additional heatsinks?

I found some 048-1212s for 10 ea shipped on ebay. Pretty fixated between those and the 1825s @ 38 each + shipping. Feel like it might be hard to beat the 1212s.

But let me keep an open mind and run some numbers before speaking more hoobla.
10 is very cheap. Even with a fairly lager discount from cdi I pay just over that. The only reason I suggested the 1812's was because there is a 5% efficiency increase and they are only 16 dollars each. To run them at same wattage they require less amperage.
yeah I could've gone with a 3 cob 1825 HLG-240-C1400B setup for about the same price of the 2 cob 1825 HLG-185-C1400B setup I built, had I found the sources I have now.

building cobs is a lot of fun.

there's a listing on ebay for 180 048-1212s on ebay for about $6 each free shipping from Estonia. would be pretty cool to organize a group buy for em.

ordered a couple 4000k 1212s earlier to get veg starting. looking forward to this build/grow thanks for all the cobbers and number crunchers out there
All good options. I'm surprised they are selling that cheap on eBay.
If they were that largely discounted but 1812's I would buy it in a second. I think citizen sells the 1812's for around 10 each and I pay 12. If I dealt with citizen there would be a 4 week wait and also large order only.