Thanks for checking in Noods!:howdy: Sorry for the confusion, I actually bought the ph meter, a bottle of calibration solution at 7.0, and another bottle of calibration solution at 4.0 and another bottle of solution to keep the meter electrode soaked in when not in use. I'm not sure i need the bottle of 4.0 calibration fluid, but I bought it just in case.:thumbs: So, I feel like a chemist. And I used the 7.0 solution to calibrate the meter. I thought that if i used rain water, it just had to be good for the plants, and I had a gallon jug of that left that I added my nutrients to. That water, after adding the nutes was 3.9. And, it took a lot of ph up to get it at 6.5. i used that liquid to feed my "60 Day Wonder".
I had another gallon jug of just regular tap water, and after leaving it out for 24 hours to disipate the chlorine, I checked it and the ph was at 9.:no: I wanted to water the priviledge, so I used ph down to lower the ph to 6.5. The runoff from that was 6.8. I'm sorry if I confused you, I have a knack for doing that, mostly confusing
If you don't check your runoff, how do you know what your plants ph is? Obviously your'e growing beautiful plants, so it must not be an issue. And i realize you know exactly what your ph is going in, so, is the reason you don't feel the need to check the runoff is because you know the ph of the dirt you are using and you control the ph balance on everything you give her? I really appreciate the advice, and i will lower the ph to 6.2 so as to get her ph right. Now I have another toy!