And here goes day 66.
Plant seems to be close to finish, but her appetite is still pretty good, so that is surely still not the end. She drinks stable 750ml per day now. Experimentation with
Bactobloom goes further, and so far, seems to be a success. These bacteria have colonized all root zone, they also are making plenty of food for my plant. I am judging so, as all last week there is very interesting process ongoing - pH constantly drops down (from 5.8 to 5.4-5.3 every 2 days), i'm feeding water only now and EC is rising also constantly. No deficiencies appeared, no troubles of any kind yet. This is clearly work of microorganisms, they feed on sugar, molasses and dead root mass, digest everything and release plant food very actively. Every day i'm inspecting my DWC tank and looking for any sign of trouble (bad smell, dead rotten roots) - there are no such things. Roots are covered in brown stuff, but that is alive and roots itself are quite strong, does not fall off or break easily, also they seems to be healthy under that brown stuff.
Took a look to all these things thru microscope, seen only known positive micro organisms there, such as good bacteria (which exactly comes with Bactobloom), also micro worms, which feeds with microalgae, mycorrhizae. Also these are not parasitic, so its still ok for now and experiment with that simple bacto tea continues.
Here is feeding for last few days:
05 03
Ph dropped to 5.4 and EC rised1250ppm
gave 1.5l of water, got ph5.7, 1140ECppm
07 03
Ph dropped to 5.3 and EC rised1240ppm
gave 1.5l of water, got ph5.7, 1100ECppm
09 03
PH dropped to 5.3, EC rised to 1320ppm
gave 1.5l of tap water + 150ml of Bactohemp tea, ph dropped to 4.9, added some ph+ to rise it back to 5.8. These bacteria are very mean, it seems. Judging by what i see, they do what their manufacturers
And here is some visual stuff from my DWC setup. Taken from tea DWC tea itself, from small piece of floating dead root, from that brown slime on roots, etc.
It's a Bactohemp tea X100, brewed for 3 days and made of 1g of Bactobloom + 5g of sugar and 200ml ow water.
And here goes X400 of that same tea.
That is a micro worm of rotifer class, more about them can be found
Here is nice
video of it. Just look in to that small monster feeding

My videos of it (it scarred my when i first saw it, but i was so glad to found what it is
After short search i found that these can be bought on
And these are found in all good bacterial organic teas. So i have made a conclusion, that this micro guy is my friend in my next grows for sure.
Here are bacteria on piece of dead root
Here you can see a piece of root, colonies of bacteria and mycorrhizae.
These are also bacteria, feeding on dead root
Im pretty thrilled with all that. Next grow i'll try to make real biofarm out of my DWC, this will be lots of fun
And for now, here goes few photos of my plant today. Seems to be quite happy with all that.