Lighting 60 day Grapefruit auto, HS1+DIY, 0.12m2

@TaNg , thanks for support bro! Your example means much to me.
@Grim Reefer , you are welcome bro, and thanks for inspiring me with bio stuff in hydro - i have opened whole new grow techniques for me with these. And my plant is really going wild with these too :D What a great new experience, im feeling like im learning to grow anew! :D
Looking great, you should have your space filled in no time and a good thing if she's as fast as 60 days.
@TaNg , thanks for support bro! Your example means much to me.
@Grim Reefer , you are welcome bro, and thanks for inspiring me with bio stuff in hydro - i have opened whole new grow techniques for me with these. And my plant is really going wild with these too :D What a great new experience, im feeling like im learning to grow anew! :D
Hi @HolyTHC
I really didnt do anything dude but thanks.
Have you added anything new to the organic bio criteria? Im still using myco fungi and beneficial bacteria.
Right now i'm looking into brewing some new bio tea with normal soil agrobacteria. WIll feed em in soil, after that will squeeze them and use what i get in DWC. This is just one of my first experiments, so im not supercharging any worm castings yet, but i'm on the way of learning 5th grade's biology again, that's for sure :D Wow man, when i'm high i'm thinking much about em, this micro world is totally insane :D Like that plant, first time i see, that roots simply does not fit into all the holes of net pot :D I even got a microscope and found amoebas in past tea, these are swimming fast, that's a lot of fun to watch :D
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Right now i'm looking into brewing some new bio tea with normal soil agrobacteria. WIll feed em in soil, after that will squeeze them and use what i get in DWC. This is just one of my first experiments, so im not supercharging any worm castings yet, but i'm on the way of learning 5th grade's biology again, that's for sure :D Wow man, when i'm high i'm thinking much about em, this micro world is totally insane :D Like that plant, first time i see, that roots simply does not fit into all the holes of net pot :D I even got a microscope and found amoebas in past tea, these are swimming fast, that's a lot of fun to watch :D
Yeah man id love to have a microscope and check out the microbe activity. Its meant to be the best way to make tea if you know what you are looking for.
Small update. 3 days ago i switched to 12/12, just to make her flowering faster. She looks Sativa type and her flowering went very slow under 18/6, i could say she has been flowering for couple of weeks already, but there was just few small flowers here and there, so i suppose that was the case and shorter day will fix it. Now it seems that it was a good decision and today i see first trichs appearing. It means that now flowering will go on full scale.
In monday will take off some fan leaves, but just few. This time i will not make any serious defol, that is totally not needed, but few leaves are stealing light from lower buds, so these will be either pulled of or tied, if it will be possible. For now im doing nothing, just to let her start flowering without any stress.
Here is some info about feeding i have done in these days

11 02
Topped tank with approx. 2l of tap water and:
Cellmax Hydrobloom A 8ml + B 8ml
Cellmax flower stimulator 4ml
AN Bud candy 4ml
Cellmax PK booster 3ml
GHE Mineral magic to dwc approx 20g
GT Liquid silicone 3ml
Cellmax Superenzyme 6ml
Tea is pH 5.8, 1150ppm

Shower with 5ml of GHE Bioworm + 100ml od distilled water

Lights turned to 12/12

Here are my baby today.
15 02, 46 day from helmet

After close inspection decided to do small defol, to expose bottom buds to light.
Seems like i found a "sweet spot" with feeding, some leaf tips are slightly burned, so further feeding in DWC will be slightly easier.
Shower with 6ml od Vitalink Foliar + 80ml of tap water will be given before "night".
upd - instead of calcium + N will give shower with 0.5ml of Plagron Sugar royal + 100ml of distilled water. Seems that N is enough already, judging by these leaf tips. Amino acid and sweet feed will go better this time.
Before defol




Box with leaves removed from this plant so far. Will use them when making coco oil.

And here goes seeds of my next plants i received today :) These all are very interesting Sativas, so it will be much fun to grow and train these in my small box :)
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Everything goes well, flowering is going to final phase. Switched to 14/10, just for fun :)
Brewed another bacterial tea, used half of spoon of Bactobloom bacteria, half litre of tap water and couple spoons of sugar. Brewed that in aerated bottle on warm radiator for 3 days, till bad smell is gone and all bacterial activity is slowed down, because of that sugar being eaten. Got some brownish liquid with normal smell, used that for DWC instead of nutes while feeding. Seems that this way i could give my plant bacterial subproduct with chelated microelements, instead of letting bacteria to live in DWC, plus liquid silicone i use does not let them live in DWC normally anyway.
This is my experience and these are my thoughts, maybe im totally wrong, but it seems to work for me exactly this way.
Here are things i done for this period of time

19 02

Decided to change tea in dwc, just to refresh things and clean the tank, just to avoid any troubles, and to try another "tea" brewed from "branded" bacteria "Bactobloom". These are not for hydro and i decided to go with their subproducts, brewed separately from DWC, instead of letting them to make these subproducts straight in DWC.

Gave 9l of tap water 370ppm, and:
Cellmax Hydrobloom 30ml A+ 30ml B
Cellmax Superenzyme 30ml
GT Liquid silicone 5ml
Cellmax flower stimulator 20ml
AN Bud candy 20ml
Cellmax PK booster 13.5ml
Tea is about 1500ppm

20ml of custom tea, brewed from Bactobloom bacteria, TDS meter shows 720ppm, but that is organics and ppm thing means nothing here :D

22 02

Gave 1.5l of tap water and 150ml of custom tea, brewed from Bactobloom
Shower with 0.2ml of Plagron Sugar royal and 100ml of distilled water
TDS meter shows about 1300ppm now in DWC tea. So far so good, she seems to like this stuff much :D

And here goes my plant, it is day 52 now. She will be not ready in 60-65 days, but i think another couple of weeks she will be done, and judging by these white "meat loafs" on her, she will give me plenty of good smoke. She's starting to smell and getting sticky as hell. I'm not removing more leaves still, these are very compact and im rotating whole plant once a day, just to let light fall on her on different angle, for part of the day. You can see few burnt top leaf near the lights, these are due lights overdose, not nutes, This time i managed allmost good feed together with bio, small overdose were there, but i spotted that in time and fixed that easily.
On roots there clearly are some living stuff, but that is not getting worse and does not smell bad at all, so i'm continuing experiments with bio feed :) That's still some new and pretty well working stuff for me :
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54 days from helmet
Yeasterday gave her shower with GHE Bioworm
Today filled up tank with ~2l of tap water and:
Cellmax Hydrobloom 5ml A+ 5ml B
Cellmax Superenzyme 4ml
GT Liquid silicone 2ml
Cellmax flower stimulator 3ml
AN Bud candy 3ml
Cellmax PK booster 2.5ml
Superthrive 3 drops
Hesi Supervit 1 drop
Tea pH 5.7 EC 1400ppm
Made pretty serious defol today, to open all flowers to lights. This cycle i have not done serious defol till now, because leaf were very compact. This is first defol for this plant, and i think it is last.
Plant started to smell strong, especially after touching it, my whole flat smells fresh weed now :)
Have tasted small bottom nug in my vaporizer, that is some sweet and tasty stuff!
~3 weeks to go :)


That is leaves i removed this time.
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