DIY 6' x 3.5' closet conversion/exhaust ideas please

I found this

This would just leave the question of proper intake. I'm assuming I can simply leave the bottom open, as @MrOldBoy suggested, for the door.

Also, MrOldBoy, you are correct, the 8" fan is too much. I was trying to save a few bucks. I ordered this last night.
Screenshot_20181029-090702_Amazon Shopping.jpg

200 cfm
The black one side white the other side stuff.double/triple layer for strength then a velcro/sticky back zipper from a well known auction site
Or take the door off and cut a bit of plywood to fit in the doorway.
Cut Foil to length of door ........ if you have 36” wide roll then simply slice roll down middle so now you have two pieces of foil length of door .......

Buy roll of Velcro which is sticky on one side and hook / loop on the other sides .... attach Velcro to door frame and foil and attach the foil to Velcro frame and you can even make “zipper” down middle where the two pieces overlap .....

With fan and I do understand your need to keep room warm but intake vent really needs to be on the down side and exhaust up ...... Question: Where do you plan on exhausting the air ..... if inside then take advantage of the warm air near the ceiling and use a fan to push air down into living space and remember the intake air coming from floor area is the coldest air in the room - warmest air is up ..... So if you take cold air from bottom for intake you’ll warm up that air when you exhaust it ......

Question: Are you trying to clean the air of smell of just simple air exchange?
The roll/velcro/zipper sounds good. Thank you!

The closet will vent into the 8x4 tent. From there it will vent through 6" carbon filter/exhaust. I dont see any other option to vent from the closet. The end of the tent is positioned, 6" from the only feasible spot to vent from closet. I can get better pics if needed, in an hour or so.

Air exchange for proper Co2 replacement is my main concern. 2nd is the smell. I live in a legal state and have my medical card but, the fewer peeps that know, the better I sleep.
If you don’t need to be concerned about the smell then simple fan placement will work ..... Position a fan near the intake and a second fan at exhaust area ...... Simple fans like these will work fine Amazon product ASIN B01559O0WY
third or fourth fan on backside of garden moving air as needed ..... you could even upgrade to oscillating fan for the intake fan ...... or have your 4” inline fan exhausting into tent and another fan pulling warm air from tent to room .....

Just ideas .....Couple years ago I built a small “tent” to fit inside a small closet I had .... I used a store bought starter greenhouse, got on sale for $15 iprefer&tid=GUI014-1

i tossed the plastic shell and used the foil to wrap sides and top thick cardboard roof and cut into roof and put small electronic type exhaust fans in roof and had clip on fan inside and then fan outside my tent to push air out of closet ..... I hung a n LED light and had a nice scrog grow that was good but buds lacked tightness, probably due to 2013 LED light technology ...... Frame was strong enough to hold light and new foil sides reflected good ....

You could if you like with the foil could use on side walls or roof or even inside space .... Go to,local Big Box Store and check out, think you may find useful!
I've got a tower fan, I will hang vertically, for air circulation. The 4" exhaust fan will be here in 2 days. If I leave a small opening in bottom of doorway, passive air should be all set.

The first grow...brings me back to 2016.
A question nobody has asked yet is what's above your ceiling? You can exhaust straight into the crawl space or you can tap into a plumbing vent and exhaust outside.

Ducting straight up to the ceiling would be a lot easier than cutting your door. You're intake is probably not going to be an issue, that door is nowhere near air tight - enough air will came around it to supply your exhaust.
A question nobody has asked yet is what's above your ceiling? You can exhaust straight into the crawl space or you can tap into a plumbing vent and exhaust outside.

Ducting straight up to the ceiling would be a lot easier than cutting your door. You're intake is probably not going to be an issue, that door is nowhere near air tight - enough air will came around it to supply your exhaust.

Good call on venting up into attic, just make sure that warm air does not condense against underside of roof deck - make darn sure you have enough outflow vents - last thing you wanna do is induce warm air into a otherwise cold attic .....

with respect to the door, bottom will need to be at least 3/4” off floor - I have a bathroom door and when installed it was kinda flush to floor - just off the floor 3/8” or so and it was not off floor enough to comfortably swing over shower matt ..... I also have two fans in bathroom, one for shower and second for toilet - bathroom is small but I overbuilt ventilation ..... Before carpenter cut bottom of door one could feel air come under somewhat, after we sliced another 1/2” off of the door I can now feel air flow more freely and the fans sound like they are not struggling for intake .....

In the world of ventilation ideally you want equal intake and exhaust but that often times that is hard to achieve - but if lopsided you always want more intake than exhaust as if you have more exhaust than intake your either burn out fans or have negative air pressure where you draw air in thru your exhaust .....