Fast Buds 6 Different Strains, 3 Gallon Pots, 1,000 Watts



Welcome to my grow journal! I will keep everything very detailed here so if you're following along you may end up reading a lot! I will probably be updating everyday after they break soil. It is likely I will post pictures everyday along with the temperature and humidity. Feel free to ask questions, have conversations, comment, and make suggestions! However please do not ask questions about my other Grow that is currently flowering.I feel as if it would be disrespectful to FastBuds, if you would like to see my other grow it has its own thread in the indoor growing section.

Grow setup Information:
Grow Room: Apollo Horticulture 5'x5'x6.5' Tent [Link]
Grow Light: XtraSun 1,000 Watt HPS [Link]
Reflector/Hood: XtraSun 64 Air Cooled w/ hinged glass [Link]
Medium: Nature's Care Organic Potting Mix [Link]
Containers: VIVOSUN 5 Gallon Fabric Pots (3 gallon actual, 12 inches wide, 10 inches tall)[LInk]
Nutrients: General Organics [Link]
Carbon Filter: iPower 6 inch [Link]
Exhaust Fan: Active Air 440CFM [Link]
Air Conditioner: 5,000 BTU Window Unit (This may change, may use inline fan w/ thermostat to bring in cool air from outside soon)

(# of plants)Strains:
(1)FastBuds Girl Scout Cookies [Link]
(1)FastBuds West Coast OG [Link]
(1)FastBuds Green Crack [Link]
(1)FastBuds Blackberry [Link]
(1)FastBuds Fastberry [Link]
(1)FastBuds LSD-25 [Link]

- After the plants are established I will add sand to the top of the pots. I do this to keep fungus gnats away and it works well.

- I will not be adding anything to the soil. I have added perlite in previous grows and haven't been as successful as I have without perlite. NO PERLITE IS BEING ADDED.

- I am using HPS the entire grow, vegetative, and flowering with HPS. I may purchase a new light bulb, I may not.

- I may purchase another grow tent during this grow, it's about time for a new one.
- I've never used fabric pots before, I have always used five gallon buckets.

- If you would like to read the journal I will be posting a link to a Wordpress website soon so that you can read the journal without any comments.

I haven't yet started this grow yet but it will most definitely be started this week, at the latest Thursday. I think I will plant the seeds directly into the soil without germinating first. FastBuds seeds came in a tube which is perfect for pressing into the soil to plant. I will press the tube into the soil, remove tube, and then drop the seed into the hole created by the tube. The tube is 3/4 of an inch which should be perfect! If the seeds do not pop out of the soil I will not be planting new seeds as I only have one of each seed in my possession.

I am excited to start this grow! I've never grown more than four plants at a time. I am trying to keep the 6 plants in a 4'x4' area and will be placing each pot 2.5 inches apart from each other due to this. I know that doesn't leave them much room to grow, but I want to see what happens when I do this. I've been looking it up for hours and I figure the only way to figure it out is by doing it myself and see what happens!

Wish me luck and let's hope all these seeds pop out the soil. I will post again once I have dropped the seeds. Follow along for the ride friends, and you too @FastBuds

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Sorry! I planned to plant yesterday but things got in the way! I was going to plant today, but I am way to exhausted to be messing around with dirt and such right now. I am going to put the seeds directly in dirt tomorrow for sure! I will update again when the first one sprouts, and I'll probably just post a picture tomorrow of the setup.
Droped the seeds into the dirt today, and sprayed the spot where the seeds were down with water.

All of the seeds looked great when I looked at them before dropping them into the whole. I'd also like to note that the seeds come in a little tube or vial. The tube is 3/4th of an inch and pointed which makes it perfect for making holes to put seeds in. I just took the tube, shoved it into the dirt until level with dirt, dropped the seed straight out of the tube into the small hole in the dirt, and then covered the hole lightly with dirt. I made labels but I was like what the hell, I can just use the package the seeds came in. I don't know if FastBuds thought all of this out or not but either way it works perfect. I am also not sure if you order a larger amount of seeds if they come in the same tube or not. I ordered one of each seed I am growing.

I'll start counting the days once they pop out of the dirt, can't wait to get this journal going.
Just figured I'd update to make sure you guys know I didn't forget about this thread.

Nothing popped up yet m, but I didn't germinate before putting into the soil. It has been kinda cold in the tent at floor level but that's gonna change today. I brought it up to 68 degrees, it was 63. I don't expect to see anything until Saturday, that would make 7 days. Even if nothing is up by then I still won't be concerned.

Whenever they start coming out I will be sure to update you guys and start day 1
Well I have some good news! West Coast OG popped through the soil today. It isn't fully out of its shell yet but it's on its way!Also happy to report that I can see the LSD-25 and Fastberry are about to pop out as well. On LSD-25 and Fastberry I can see the start of it bending its way out of the soil. Went to mist them today and noticed. I thought I noticed the West Coast OG last night but I wasn't sure and I did not want to disturb it to find out. That means that all the others should appear sometime soon. I will take a picture of them tomorrow. I know that's not very interesting but whatever!

That's three of six in just five days! Props to FastBuds again for their packaging and the tube the seeds came in. If this grow goes well I will for sure order more seeds from them. I liked the tubes they came in, used them to assist in planting, worked perfect. I normally germinate in paper towels before they hit the soil, gonna start doing it this way for now on.
Day 1

Five out of six have sprouted, the only one that hasn't yet is Blackberry and I see no signs of it. It may not germinate but still gonna give it time though!

One of the seeds still had its seed shell when it sprouted. I was able to successfully pull it off, I do t think I damaged it.

One of the seeds also has three starter leaves. I know they're called something that starts with a C but I don't know. I've heard this is a good thing though from reading other posts about it before. Maybe they're called Cotyledons?

I hope that blackberry sprouts! If it doesn't I'll be sad! I didn't do anything different with it. 5 out of 6 is good I suppose though :-/. I'll give her time though just in case!

I'll start tracking temperature and humidity levels tomorrow, or the following day. Went ahead and started day one as you can see!

Seed with shell still on!​

The mutant!

The FastBuds Family of 5, hopefully 6 soon!
Well, i really love that little mutant with triple starter leave- cant wait to see it perform!