Jean-O's Show Grows 2024 5 tester positions for Where's My Dog and What The Fuck strains for Jean-O's Genetics

Tent full of @Jean-O Girls!


WMD are both on day 25 and are lush as can be!

WTF are both up and on days 4 and 3 respectively
Ready to kick-off my test grow updates. @Jean-O :toke:
I took two seeds of each and gave them a wake-up slap = 40 shakes in a doob-tube inside of 120-grit sandpaper. Then off for a swim in RO water.
That was Monday, November 22.

0.2 sandpaper.jpg
0.3 water.jpg

The next day all seeds went into a moist paper towels, in a dark plastic bag, on top of a mild heat source.

0.4 opening.jpg

Two days after that, Thursday the 25th, they went into starter plugs in a tray on heat under a humidity dome. But no direct light source yet.
And two days after that, Saturday the 28th, we had sprouts. Turned on some mild T-5 lights over the dome. :biggrin: Yipee, 100% germ success. The next day they were transplanted into their AutoPots in a warm utility room with AutoCobs set to produce about 150 ppfd.

2.transplant a.jpg

Still, I was reluctant to begin posting until I had a couple of days of successful growth to show.
Its day 3 from sprouting, and I'm a bit worried about WTF#1. Its cotyledons are showing, but not opening up yet. The others seem to be doing OK.

2.transplant d.jpg
2.transplant e.jpg

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2.transplant c.jpg

By day 5 WTF#1 finally started opening its cotyledons and revealing a bit of new growth below. Whew ! But in general, for 5 days I would expect more action from all of them. I think my choice of starter cube is wrong -- these are too big and hence holding much too much moisture.
Well, its day 7 and what an ugly surprise this morning. WTF #1 is totally dead; I suspected maybe damping off, but that is usually a slow death over several days. This was "sudden crib death" and the head (cotylodens and early leaves) seem to be gone. The others are all alive and healthy, but very stunted and slow in showing any development.

This is incredible. Its day 8 and this morning I found the remaining WTF (#2) dead. In fact, it seemed chopped at the base and gnawed at the leaves. I'm beginning to suspect foul play here. But I could not spend too much time in analysis or remediation as my wife has just returned from wrist surgery and needs more attention than a greenhouse demanding immediate harvest. So I just switched the lights; swapped my Amare in for the AutoCobs to give the remaining two gals, the Where's My Dog #1 & #2 about 350 ppfd. Meanwhile, I'll drop the remaining two seeds to get something more in the pipeline.


Well, day 9 and screw me ! Both my WMDs have been wiped out. Gone. Abducted without a trace or sign of struggle.


My conclusion ... a mouse. I have on occasion removed a couple (usually they're dead or nearly dead) from this area of the house (its a partially finished basement). But this is a first.

So, I've gone from 100% germination success to 100% grow fail in just 9 days. Fingers crossed for my last two seeds that are in process. You can be sure they won't be going into that utility room.
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This is incredible. Its day 8 and this morning I found the remaining WTF (#2) dead. In fact, it seemed chopped at the base and gnawed at the leaves. I'm beginning to suspect foul play here. But I could not spend too much time in analysis or remediation as my wife has just returned from wrist surgery and needs more attention that a greenhouse demanding immediate harvest. So I just switched the lights; swapped my Amare in for the AutoCobs to give the remaining two gals, the Where's My Dog #1 & #2 about 350 ppfd. Meanwhile, I'll drop the remaining two seeds to get something more in the pipeline.

View attachment 1394429

Well, day 9 and screw me ! Both my WMDs have been wiped out. Gone. Abducted without a trace or sign of struggle.

View attachment 1394438View attachment 1394439

My conclusion ... a mouse. I have on occasion removed a couple (usually they're dead or nearly dead) from this area of the house (its a partially finished basement). But this is a first.

So, I've gone from 100% germination success to 100% grow fail in just 9 days. Fingers crossed for my last two seeds that are in process. You can be sure they won't be going into that utility room.
Well Bummer for sure! Ive had cats and squirrels eat seedlings but never a mouse. Greenin NY had issues with the seedlings also. I believe he used a rooting cube of some sorts also. @Suki813 you planted right into the soil didn't you? I germinate my seeds right in the soil also and didn't have any issues. I wouldn't believe that would have any influence on a seedling but I honestly don't know. Do you know anyone who could chime in on this? The seeds are about 3 months old and came from healthy parent plants and I gave the seeds 6 weeks to mature from pollination. I wonder if I cooked them a bit too long? I use the same process with all the seeds I make but I do know that seed ripening can be something strain dependent.
Well Bummer for sure! Ive had cats and squirrels eat seedlings but never a mouse. Greenin NY had issues with the seedlings also. I believe he used a rooting cube of some sorts also. @Suki813 you planted right into the soil didn't you? I germinate my seeds right in the soil also and didn't have any issues. I wouldn't believe that would have any influence on a seedling but I honestly don't know. Do you know anyone who could chime in on this? The seeds are about 3 months old and came from healthy parent plants and I gave the seeds 6 weeks to mature from pollination. I wonder if I cooked them a bit too long? I use the same process with all the seeds I make but I do know that seed ripening can be something strain dependent.
Yep straight into soil. I've had issues in the past with the root cubes holding too much moisture so I switched to just dropping them directly in and I haven't had an issue since.