Live Stoner Chat 5 Part Zinc Alloy Grinder, Click & Vape, Pack N Stash & Tiny Grinder

Dr Fluff

Mighty Powerful, Cure Alls & Snake Oil Elixirs
Cultivators Club
Sep 1, 2014
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Currently Smoking
yo arse
I thought I would share a few recent bit'n'pieces I have purchased.
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Top Left - Pack N Stash
Top Right - Click & Vape
Middle - 5 Part Zinc Alloy Grinder
Bottom - The most hilarious, tiniest grinder I've ever seen! Next to a 2 pence piece.

The pack and stash is a vape/pipe storage/filling tool. Yo can really pack some weed in there, nice and tight and take it out with you. It should be really handy in the countryside where it can be too windy to crumble/load your Pipe/Vape.
I haven't tried it yet, for the first time in years I'm out of weed :(

The Click & Vape, this is total miss selling. I tried to use it to vape with and had no joy, this is a wind proof pipe with a self contained jet lighter.
This pipe would be great if your portable vape has run out of juice or if you want a pipe in a windy situation.
As a pipe it works great, it just aint a vape.

Zinc Alloy 5 Part Grinder, I'm not a fan of aluminum when it comes to putting anything in my body and wanted to replace my Aluminum 4 part grinder.
I got this Zinc Alloy Grinder direct from China and cost virtually nothing compared to prices in head shops.
It has two screens of different mesh sizes, I don't know what the micron sizes are, once again I haven't used it, due to the lack of weed :(

Finally we come to the Worlds smallest grinder. I got this free when I bought a vape on Ebay. The advert mentioned that you got a free grinder with the vape. I almost pissed myself with laughter when I opened my parcel.
This grinder hasn't been used and no, this time it is not due to the lack of weed, but rather the fact that it is just too small for purpose, as you can see by the two pence piece sat next to it! lmao