Are my buds to leafy?

Hey guys, im not sure if im too stoned lol just wondering if these buds look too leafy after being dry?? The are about to go into jars now...
its all about the good stuff if its on the leaves than id say no its not to leafy........:drool:
So I've pulled 9.4 zips dry off of 4 of these girls. Still one more to harvest 2maro which will be day 70(she needed a lil bit more time) and anticipating about 2oz Off her... Stoked AFN stoked
i've seen leafy buds like that in dispensaries next to "tight" kush style buds, so not too leafy for my disp.. like photos.. they do compos on facebook for seeds if you want to share some choice pics with them.
thanks waveguide thats really good to know! ill be starting my new grow thread on Pink Ogre & Purple Kush (buddha) in the next 2weeks or so ;)
Sup dude Im late in but congrates on a bountiful harvest dude! :thumbs: + rep man Im getting AK47 from these guys on my next run! :D
Sup dude Im late in but congrates on a bountiful harvest dude! :thumbs: + rep man Im getting AK47 from these guys on my next run! :D

hey GoTgReEn thanks for having a look at my thread! better late then never and good luck with your ak47 grow :peace: