New Grower 4x king's kush auto, 5x5x8, 1000 watt LED, 75 watts full spectrum, organic.

Dumped a ton of humidity I added from re-watering everything, and then gave them all another dose of 1:1.5 fish growth to bloom.

Going to manage my humidity, and then get the girls a nice air temperature, and see what happens.
My plants tolerated the nutes well, so I mixed up a little N and kelp, fed that to my more vulnerable plants. Then added a whole heck of a lot of bloom in. No full water, just already damp soil and nutes to the roots.

This is one of like 6 or 8 colas on one of my plants, I'm training and arranging colas to have them end up in opportune spaces. This is the main cola of the plant, and did have the biggest bud, but most other are not far behind and it is still aggressively flowering.

My big girl just keeps on devouring everything in sight, and hasn't really gotten out of pre-flower yet.

That bud isn't that fat yet, but it is completely solid and almost a foot.


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Having issues managing humidity, will have to spread out waterings and maybe go for more advanced climate control.

Purging the tent, and then will scatter the waterings so they don't get swamped. I can't purge to outside because everything is frozen solid, vent, door, window, nothing. Humid inside, going to have to use temperature differentials I think to really drop the humidity.

Once my humidity is under control it should be a matter of continuing tweaks until harvest.
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Got humidity under control. Actively boosting temps into low 20s humidity sub 50s.

It's turning into a real tijuana road show in here, same plant, different cola, I think probably more than a foot. I got big hands yo, allow me that flex.

This one plant has 7 main colas, which I have been reorganizing via LST and basically simply moving them. She's still shooting up some more colas to fill in space.

My runt has juuuuust entered flower I think. lmao hf.


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Well, I solved a multi-part puzzle. The first part was a deficiency caused by a lack of water. The second one was user error, I had my power bar plugged into my timer bypass. Oops. So my plants were getting 24/7 light. Which I was thinking about doing, but I didn't actually intend to do. So, again, oops.

I've got my plants on 18/6 for now, and gave them a foliar of N and kelp to see if the bleached spots will regreen. Everything looks good, it's just the older leaves seem to be overworked. I don't think they will truly heal, but I may prolong their energy producing capacity long enough to increase my yields.
So, first my plants sort of half died due to my not being able to water them. Then they locked out. Then I had them on 24/7 by mistake. Well fuck.

Rehydrated the soil, maybe did too much water and too little nutes. Plants had sort of mostly stalled out, and weren't looking too hot.

So, I went for a hail mary. Mixed up 2x watering pails full of like x2 or x4 grow and bloom nutes. The soil is still damp, but not dry; so I basically mega dosed the girls with nutes to see if I could give them some more life.

So far, it seems to have succeeded. My grow got knocked on its ass for essentially 3 weeks, and I'm hoping I can at least sort of salvage it.

The girls are just starting to smell, it's a nice citrusy kush smell, similar actually to the pre 98 bubba I'm smoking right now.

The one plant that has the biggest colas, if I can fatten them up, will make this whole thing worthwhile, on my first grow. They range from 4-12 inches, but are too narrow and leafy to produce much weight of bud.

My other plants are starting to produce fatter, but so far smaller, colas. Anyways the great white shark and the cross CBD I've got brewing for my next grow are doing pretty well. The cross CBD is a fucking monster, just keeps growing, despite a bunch of errors.

Current strategy seems to be to keep dosing the plants with high ratio nutes, over the next couple of days, depending upon how they react. I think if I had pumped in nutes along with water to begin with, things would have been salvaged a lot quicker.


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Results are in, foliar did jack shit as opposed to mega dosing the roots with nutes. My plants basically have reinvigorated over an hour period, and I'm sure I'll start to see the real time growth I was seeing before.

Hopefully it's not too late.
Welp, everything seems to be turning out milhouse. Just one of the bud sites that have sort of ballooned overnight.

I definitely think this may turn out alright. My photo The Church CBD has started showing sex.


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So, the base soil I used for all of these plants besides the 7 gal, was very low potting soil, that I then later amended. I think that's biting me in the ass. My soil isn't really retaining water, it's all channeling out the bottom.

I used my fingers to aerate as deep as I could, trying not to tear roots. Then I mega dosed. Then I bottom watered the pots in the run off for quite a while.

I think I got what I was going for. Bud sites are frosty and blowing up, a lot of leaves basically reacted to nutes by dying. I pruned those. The remaining leaves are now vibrant and alive.

My runt really looks like she's just entering flower, and wasn't really hurt too badly. A couple of plants got nailed, their bud sites are small but frosty. We'll see how that goes. The two stronger plants in the crap potting soil seem to be making progress now.