New Grower 4x king's kush auto, 5x5x8, 1000 watt LED, 75 watts full spectrum, organic.

Pretty soon, a wild the church cbd and great white shark cbd, may appear from nowhere.

I'm happy to report in my absence the training paid off, and all the colas appear to be largely independent. Each seems to have a fairly large dominant trunk, with small side buds.

The girls are starting to produce trichomes, and the smell is fucking awesome. I've always noticed the similarity between kush and mint before, but these smell straight up like live, fresh mint.

Hohoho, knock wood, these girls should take off after their drink and feed.
It was actually interesting watching the plants come back to life last night. They were obviously pulling up a lot of nutes and water as they immediately perked up, crisped up, and darkened up. It was actually really neat looking at each individual leaf almost get jump started. The edges of the leaves were almost this vibrant greeny blue, I'd assume from the nutes I fed them.

This morning they look nice and happy, and continue to bush out. All those fans I tucked previously keep on growing out, finding light, and then shooting out. They then seem to pull the rest of the plant with them. Basically any light gap the plants are finding, they are using to grow outwards, as well as upwards. They seem to keep shooting out suckers too. A branch that I'd broken about a week ago, then tried to trim back, has actually shot out with a new cola instead of a big old fan leaf.

I gave them some more water, nothing else, and I'll probably give them some water in a day or two, mixed in with molasses.


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Good to see, thanks for sharing your grow experience.... looking solid!
Day whatever.

My life has turned quite crazy recently, and I'm now finally able to devote the time to the girls, as they deserve. I was called away from my girls long enough that everything completely dried out, and the two weaker plants were showing severe signs of burning on their fans, looked like a combination of low water and high light levels.

I began re-saturating the girls slowly, basically remoistening the soil over a number of days. I lolipopped the damaged girls, as a lot of the fans looked like they would still function, but were obviously damaged. I left the least crispy fans on, but they pretty much all went.

After re-hydrating the soil, I gave the girls a big, heavy, high dose drink of fish 6-11-11 and kelpt, and soaked them to their roots. Foliared with kelp. And bam, they are now back.

This may be an interesting, unwitting experiment on drought stress and bud. I know low water conditions can cause more resin production. I shocked mine right at the beginning of true flower, and now they will basically be pampered, until I cold shock, and dark shock.

Should be interesting to see the results.

My runt became the monster I always knew she was. HF. SOG it is.

2nd pic: my runt is now taking up more than 1/4 of the tent, foot print wise. Since she's in a higher pot, she actually takes up slightly less of a footprint otherwise.


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So, I gave everything another full drink with no nutes, until runoff came out the bottom, as I had before. Tent was becoming a crazy mess, and the layout wasn't working.

Pulled almost everything else out, cleaned, inspected plants, reorganized. I then moved my main light more directly over top of the big girl. I put one lollipopped girl on one side, with the colas high enough either against the big girl, or circling the back of the tent. My aim is to have the main colas compete and bound in the big girl, while still allowing the lower interior growth on the lollipop to get light.

Next, I got my next biggest plant and it's pretty much under the main light now, again trying to create a canopy with even cola height, with either highs or lows towards the outside. Basically I've got a shit ton of main colas, and I've done my best to keep them all light exposed. Side lighting is directed at the plants not under the main light.

The sheer number of colas on my 'runt' is staggering. Once my girls are loving life again, I think I may increase their light to 24/0

Also to have to keep from spinning plants I am now tying colas from around the back, pushing up from the center, into positions in gaps. That will be my job. Water, guide the colas, and watch.
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Taking a closer look, it looks like the dry spell pushed my weaker plants all into full out flower. My stronger plants, not so much. They're flowering but not nearly at the rate the smaller plants were. The runt in the 7 gallon, I think, has somehow detected it has the doncitions to become a monster, and will continue to become a monster before focusing on giving birth.

My fungi really didn't like the dry spell either sent up microcellium to the surface as a last ditch mating attempt. Oh well, they'll be fine.
The first few orange hairs are appearing on the drought damaged plants. I foliared again with kelp, and am basically removing any foliage that looks like it will drain the plant, as provide energy.

My least mature plants, fittingly, are the runt and the has-been. The has-been is still sort of just getting into full flower. The runt is rearing up like a hydra, ready to consume all resources in her path. She especially seems to have responded from being the light catcher on the periphery, to the light catcher AND getting high value light.

It was quite pretty seeing my plants turn almost blue, and come alive, after my last feed. The runt, she didn't really do that. I'll push some more nuts to all plants if they can handle it. I want to see her turn health fucking blue praying to the sun and happy as a clam. And then I want to see what she does next.

I'm picturing barber shop of horrors type scene with my former runt-transplant. 'Feed me, Seymore!'. She has always been my favorite; she was the under dog, all along. Now it's time to give her the conditions to show the world who she was all along.

A champion.:)
This was my first grow. I made some mistakes. I learned some lessons. I've created future experiments.

But at the end of the day, for my legal medical grow, I'm proud of my 5x king's kush, 2x the church CBD, and 1x Great White Shark.

So I re-moistened them, got them all wet, gave them nutes. THen I basically re-watered the next day. And now I just gave my girls all a double dose of fish, in the amounts I think they can handle it.

God bless, and I hope I haven't made a mistake here. Fortunately I will be able to guide my girls through this interesting time in their lives :) When they all look healthy, they then get 24/0 sun.

Swear to god, when they look green/blue and they're looking happy, miracles happen soon after. That blue-green color is amazing to watch, btw, especially as they take it up. Not the deep green of nitro burn, but... Hard to describe. When the conditions are right, and the plants are blue, they are ready to kick ass, and look good doing so.


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Everything is looking good now, think the drought caused a boron def in the weakest plants but it isn't progressing, and the kelp seems to have helped heal the leaves an eentsy bit. As they begin to die I pluck them.

Next goal is to give some molasses just to give everything one last little kick start, and see how my girls do.

My big girl is actually building tall colas at the back as it sort of catches a bowl of light. Those colas are sort of rearing up, like cobras. Then there are some other fairly substantial colas that are pushing out seeking light around the back.

I am now tying up and arranging colas so that they get optimal light. Below is like one of dozens of random colas my big girl has, and definitely not the most impressive one going right now.

My lollypopped gals actually have some really nice colas coming in, and the boron deficiency which isn't getting worse, has turned them gold and blue. It's actually really quite attractive.


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Final entry I guess for today: the big girl was already starting to get dry, so she got a whole pot of water plus some black strap to give her what she needs. That's despite me slowly emptying multiple pails into her 7 gallon over the last few days. I'm pretty sure it's just a big old plug of fungus farming my plant now.

Kelp foliar MAY be helping with the boron deficiency damage caused by drought. When I spray a normal leaf, it looks wet. When I spray a boron damaged leaf, it doesn't just look wet, but almost like a brown smudge forms on it.

There seems to be two results: leaf dies very quickly, or that same brown smudge greens out. A different green than the leaf, but green none the less.

I topped my the church CBD photos at the 5th node. I have a few photos coming in, which will provide the clones for my next crop.

The soil my churchies went into is my best yet. It'd been left with all sorts of goodness for a very long time, and when I finally went to turn it over, i could smell methane. Bye bye sugar eating microbes, hello fully charged bio-char that may last decades. If it weren't charged, it would absorb the methane smell.

All the other soils I have been using are basically an imitation of this.

My churchies were malnourished due to needing a larger pot, I transplanted them, and then topped them. Gave them a small drink of kelp, and some fish. I've been keeping em wet, but I'll let them dry out for now.

They are now in 7 gals, my hope is to be able to clear up the stem to get them buried as deep as possible. And then grow some mofakin trees!

I planted two sharkie poo seedlings, but one of the seedlings was inadvertantly left too long under another leaf and was too damp for too long, so I decided to ditch.

However, my current little sharkie poo seems to be loving life, and she will also provide the basis for my next crop. Another photo. I could start pulling clones from my churchies now but I'd rather let em grow a bit, one plant definitely seems to be stronger than the other so far.

My next grow I intend to mostly use 7 gals :)
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