New Grower 4x king's kush auto, 5x5x8, 1000 watt LED, 75 watts full spectrum, organic.

Jan 6, 2019
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Why hello there. I've been lurking a bit, reading other peoples grow journals, and sort of want to do one. I'm finally able to legally pursue my dream of growing legal pot.

Anyways it's roughly day 30, the girl in the back was a transplanted Iate shower I had growing in a pot with another plant, and is in 7 gallon air pot now. She also grew into the tent, so that side is in prime light now and I gave more of a gap for light penetration. The plants seem to be focusing on shooting their big, tucked, fans, out to the side, I then tend to use those to jigsaw in the canopy in prime real estate, and they tend to pull the rest of the plant out with them, they seem to be growing more symmetrical after the training I did. I assume when they hit some secret formula only they know, they'll start stretching.

I just gave the girls some fish 6-11-11 (mix of grow and bloom fish based) the day before yesterday, and then I gave them a kelp drink the day before, so they're drying out now. I try not to let them dry out too much unlike most advice, as I want to keep my fungus happy.

Anyways, over time, I plan to basically back breed my own fungus into itself from the generic promix starter. Keep the 7 gallon pots that perform well going as long as they'll go, and if there's one pot that perform well I'll mix her back into my biochar seasoning bin. I will keep the seasoning bin going permanently, allowing the fungus to persist, and then reintroducing new genetics back in to breed with the old. Hopefully over time I can get my own strain of marijuana attuned fungus, it shouldn't take that long if I selectively kill off the bad pots and backrbeed in the good pots.

Anywho here are the slightly overwatered, slightly clawed on a few of the big old lower fans out of prime real estate, but otherwise as near as I can tell loving life. Lights came on about 3 hours ago.

And although the plants appear yellowish, in reality the older growth is forest green, the new growth a lighter green, had 75 watts of full spectrum going and it showed like this.

I made a lot of mistakes early on, started with some pots, an ott light, and discount potting soil, and basically corrected my mistakes as I went along. I'm really keen to see how my next grow goes when I provide ideal conditions from day 1.

edit: Here is some preliminary bud pron.
edit: 2nd donkey dick, same plant. 5-6 more similar to these plus some creeper buds shooting up that i'm weaving into any blank space.

Snap shot of my The Church CBD photo. Made one plant doing OK in the corner. This one was just transplanted from a 4x4 inch planter before being root bound, dumped into my soil, stem continuously buried, she's now begging for water, so I gave her a balanced mix.

Oh and I topped her when I transplanted too. Going to clone dis bitch.

Had 2 seedlings Great White Shark I germinated, I discarded one that was kept in overmoist conditions and looked questionable. Just gave the little gal a drink.

edit: bud production and trichome production has sort of... accelerated.


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looking happy n healthy :thumbsup: cheers for showing :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit.
Heh, like all new fathers, i'm so proud of my girls.
Welp, this is fun. Went to go check my plants to see needed training, and the tops on all the plants had basically come up and reasserted dominance. None of the tie downs had come loose, I think the stem just grew into a Z.

Tightened the tie downs, and bent the plants down more, gently, didn't want to snap the trunk. Went through and tucked leaves to keep buds and new bud growth in light, and also guided buds away from each other to an even, more distributed canopy.

As a first time grower, it takes a LOT of constant LST to keep things flat and tucked. It blows my mind how much they can change even in the span of 5 hours. It seems as the plants warm up to 27c they go nuts, and then slow down as the day period gets longer. They get their 4 hours of dark, I choose to let the temps drop down to 20, and then I warm and accelerate them back up to 27 where they really seem to get happy.

I can see if you had a bigger garden, you'd just top things, FIM things, etc., and get a similar result for less work. As is, I really enjoy working in my garden. I think at this point I'm not stressing my plants out with how gentle I'm being, they aren't stinking at me anymore (fresh cut grass smell while doing LST, AKA pissed off plant smell).

Although to be honest, I think a certain amount of stress hormones in the air probably would do the plants some good and keep them on their toes. Maybe I'm attributing properties to plants that aren't there, though.
Day 31: mortar and pestled some egg shells, added some balsamic and lemon juice to leech calcium. Mixed some of the slurry after it stopped reacting into water. Watered plants that needed watering, will water the ones that are still a bit damp later. Basically a calcium wash, used lemon juice and balsamic instead of white vinegar for the added organics.

LST focusing on pulling the new fans down, and the old fans that have already been pulled down, out into the light.

Girls seem to really bush out and start growing fast as soon as it starts to warm up after lights come on.


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Day 31: mortar and pestled some egg shells, added some balsamic and lemon juice to leech calcium. Mixed some of the slurry after it stopped reacting into water. Watered plants that needed watering, will water the ones that are still a bit damp later. Basically a calcium wash, used lemon juice and balsamic instead of white vinegar for the added organics.

LST focusing on pulling the new fans down, and the old fans that have already been pulled down, out into the light.

Girls seem to really bush out and start growing fast as soon as it starts to warm up after lights come on.

Did you check the pH of your water after you added the soluble calcium? I use ACV as my pH down and it only takes me 1.5ml of the Vinegar to drop from 7.4 to 6.3 pH. So, just be careful that you don’t drop your pH too far as it can effect your soil pH and cause lockout of some nutrients.
Hey DTOM, I've been pretending pH'ing water doesn't exist, and I definitely should if I'm doing anything like this

Basically I've been tackling problems as I've run into them, and pH and uptake does not seem to be one as of yet. It's on my to do list as I expand as a grower.

Day 33: the big girl has multiple tops that all seem pretty equal, the main cola being the most developed. Two of my other plants had basically grown and reasserted top dominance, so I moved my tie up further and gently bent them down again. Spun some plants around, rearranged things as they are still bushing out. I can always get rid of my biochar bin and expand my space, but the curtain is actually against the far wall.

I'm more concerned about total light coverage although the side lighting on my maters, and the side lighting on the right side helps

I'm going to feed them some molasses for magnesium and maybe some bloom as I just started on that. Next time I will be dosing throughout with low dose bloom to see how the plants like it. N seems fine, I'm monitoring the new growth to make sure it's greening up, but also watching the old lower growth at the tips where they are darker green. I assume when those start to even out I should maybe push some more N.

I'm letting them dry out as they have had a lot to drink lately. I basically gave myself a day off from tending my garden yesterday, and my plants took advantage of my trust and went nuts. Back under control now knock wood


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Main cola of the big girl, a little more developed than the other colas but not much. The other plants I think I tied down lower because I did it when my big girl was ready.

Waiting until AFTER the 4th or 5th internode spaces in SEEMS to be the place to bend them. Ironically, because I tied down the shorter plants, earlier, I am ending up with top/height issues later.


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The plants won. I think they're growing too fast, with the top still dominant, to actually pull them down now without resorting to elaborate means. At this point, it may be time to just let them do their thing.


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So, I began to have issues with humidity due to a lack of ventilation. I sort of muddled my way through, and let the plants dry out, and pretty much ignored them. I will have to improve my ventilation soon.

Today, they were pretty dry, so I gave them a bit of water and some fish. I probably should have held off on the fish, but my soil retains a lot of water in the root zone.

They have indeed taken over almost all of the tent, and they still seem to be bushing out. I don't know much about this topic, but some of these may end up to be pretty big girls.

The soil is my charcoal bin, I've kept it in the dark for quite a long time, and it appears the fungi have taken over.


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