Indoor 48hrs of Total Darkness! Benefits??

Mar 16, 2012
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ok so ive read several times about the internet that people like to leave their plant in total darkness for 48 hrs just before they chop it down. Whats up with this? worth it?
I fully believe in picking at lights on.I always thought my plants smelled their strongest right after dark period when the lights first come on.So that's when I pick.:) but as for 48 hours darkness... Well I think Piggy is spot on.Hogwash!
Yep! That's when the terpenes are more active. Along the day they evaporate and then at night they are back on again!

That's when I harvest too. I don't use the 48h dark. Well I wouldn't also because it's too much trouble for me as I'm outside :)

I fully believe in picking at lights on.I always thought my plants smelled their strongest right after dark period when the lights first come on.So that's when I pick.:) but as for 48 hours darkness... Well I think Piggy is spot on.Hogwash!
I've tried it both ways and have to say that resin flow does seem to increase after 48 hours of dark. My fingers get a lot stickier while I'm trimming and manicuring and I've found a few drops of pure resin on some plants, something I never had before leaving them in the dark.
Great question!! I was wondering the same thing.

Wow Muddy, that's incredible! I am about a week away from harvest on two gals, how exactly do you go about it?? I am following your guidance Muddy so any input on (or just tell me exactly how to do it :) would be very much appreciated!!

Thanks vv for the post (perfect timing too!! :)

How do you do you prepare the plant and implement the total darkness, I mean...:)
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