Indoor 420'z NL Grow :-)

@420Forever Good to know what's up and don't let it get you down too much! We all gotta make mistakes in order to learn. Even if the mistake was as simple as the soil you bought. I'll be stickin around fa sho! Ain't gettin off the train any time soon! You're awesome! Can't wait for you to find your groove! :pass:
ok kidz, a wee update on me situ :smoking: me got me free tester beanz from female seedz today, woohoo! :yay:ended up gettin a 4-pak each of auto kush & auto ww x bb, both of which will satisfy me indica leaningz jus fine, tyvm :coffee: they both came in orig breeder packaging & the best part is it took only 6 day'z delivery from the netherlandz to here in missouri :yoinks: so me def give high markz & a shoutout to mr b & @gennaro-fs for that :bow: :thanks:

soooo, which one to grow first :confused1: well, how bout both, hehe :biggrin: if thingz go right, me hopin to have em planted by this comin weekend, and i'll be firin up a corresponding grow journal over in the female seedz section to reflect the journey :thumbsup: hopefully this time, i'll be able to actually get em past preflower :rofl: we'll see...:shrug:

Harli & Teresa are both still, er, "growin", haha, but are gonna take like forever at this point to cross the finish line, if they ever do :rolleyes2: but oh well, cest le vie ;) i'm still convinced the prob was/is the ffof soil, and u better believe that won't be happenin again, nuh-uh :nono:

so anyhoo, like i said before, this thread will continue on regardless, but i'll hafta be puttin the NL carz back on the siding fer a bit, and hope u'll all join me as good ol' Engine No.420 rollz down a slightly diff track :shooty: ppp

ok kidz, a wee update on me situ :smoking: me got me free tester beanz from female seedz today, woohoo! :yay:ended up gettin a 4-pak each of auto kush & auto ww x bb, both of which will satisfy me indica leaningz jus fine, tyvm :coffee: they both came in orig breeder packaging & the best part is it took only 6 day'z delivery from the netherlandz to here in missouri :yoinks: so me def give high markz & a shoutout to mr b & @gennaro-fs for that :bow: :thanks:

soooo, which one to grow first :confused1: well, how bout both, hehe :biggrin: if thingz go right, me hopin to have em planted by this comin weekend, and i'll be firin up a corresponding grow journal over in the female seedz section to reflect the journey :thumbsup: hopefully this time, i'll be able to actually get em past preflower :rofl: we'll see...:shrug:

Harli & Teresa are both still, er, "growin", haha, but are gonna take like forever at this point to cross the finish line, if they ever do :rolleyes2: but oh well, cest le vie ;) i'm still convinced the prob was/is the ffof soil, and u better believe that won't be happenin again, nuh-uh :nono:

so anyhoo, like i said before, this thread will continue on regardless, but i'll hafta be puttin the NL carz back on the siding fer a bit, and hope u'll all join me as good ol' Engine No.420 rollz down a slightly diff track :shooty: ppp

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Glad to hear that man! And can't wait to check out your journal! Make sure tag me in it so I don't forget to check it out once it's started!
The Girlz - Day 108
psst, hey kidz, sunday nite cinema is baaaaack! :yay:

Harli & Teresa Day 108








wow, where do i even begin... :doh: it'z been a loooong strange trip with theze two so far, that'z fer sur, lol :oops1: i won't bore u with the detailz, but suffice it to say, they're both still alive, altho me haven't the foggiest idea how :rofl: it'z so maddening to have two girlz the same age, with basically the same issuez goin on, but both acting/reacting totally different, ahh! :wall::wall: i've been givin em the megacrop, but they've still got their own damn plan about thingz despite what i do or don't do, so me jus been lettin em do whatever the hell they're gonna do & hopin they'll finish sumtime before the next decade rollz in :rolleyes2:

on the flipside however, u'll notice the small 1 gal pot sittin in the front there, and welp, that'z gonna be for me auto kush ;) me put the bean in to soak late las nite...i jus now looked & it ain't dropped yet, but hopefully it will have by tomorrow morn, cuz me gonna jus skip the whole paper towel step & put her in the dirt as soon as she dropz, which i like to do right before lightz out, which is at high noon in the ol' 420 corral :shooty: and no, that'z most def not ffof in the new pot, lol :nono: unfortunately, it is still ff, but it'z the frog this time, mixed 50/50 with a reg ol' peat based potting mix & xtra perlite...tiz the best me can do at prezent, so we'll see...:shrug:

as soon as lil kushy breakz into the brave new world (who will be named Gracie btw, in honor of me new pupper :biggrin: ), i'll be firin up a journal for her over in the female seedz section, and hope u'll join me there ;) my sincerest apologiez for the lack of updatez here, but tbh, they jus haven't been anything i've been proud of in any way, so... nuff said

hope u that are still aboard enjoyed the show all the same, and stay tuned for greener pasturez ahead as we keep chug-chug-chuggin along! :headbang: ppp
psst, hey kidz, sunday nite cinema is baaaaack! :yay:

Harli & Teresa Day 108
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wow, where do i even begin... :doh: it'z been a loooong strange trip with theze two so far, that'z fer sur, lol :oops1: i won't bore u with the detailz, but suffice it to say, they're both still alive, altho me haven't the foggiest idea how :rofl: it'z so maddening to have two girlz the same age, with basically the same issuez goin on, but both acting/reacting totally different, ahh! :wall::wall: i've been givin em the megacrop, but they've still got their own damn plan about thingz despite what i do or don't do, so me jus been lettin em do whatever the hell they're gonna do & hopin they'll finish sumtime before the next decade rollz in :rolleyes2:

on the flipside however, u'll notice the small 1 gal pot sittin in the front there, and welp, that'z gonna be for me auto kush ;) me put the bean in to soak late las nite...i jus now looked & it ain't dropped yet, but hopefully it will have by tomorrow morn, cuz me gonna jus skip the whole paper towel step & put her in the dirt as soon as she dropz, which i like to do right before lightz out, which is at high noon in the ol' 420 corral :shooty: and no, that'z most def not ffof in the new pot, lol :nono: unfortunately, it is still ff, but it'z the frog this time, mixed 50/50 with a reg ol' peat based potting mix & xtra perlite...tiz the best me can do at prezent, so we'll see...:shrug:

as soon as lil kushy breakz into the brave new world (who will be named Gracie btw, in honor of me new pupper :biggrin: ), i'll be firin up a journal for her over in the female seedz section, and hope u'll join me there ;) my sincerest apologiez for the lack of updatez here, but tbh, they jus haven't been anything i've been proud of in any way, so... nuff said

hope u that are still aboard enjoyed the show all the same, and stay tuned for greener pasturez ahead as we keep chug-chug-chuggin along! :headbang: ppp
Hahaha, Now I’m In Grow Bro, ya got this Buddy