Indoor 420'z NL Grow :-)

Yeah, I had the surprise when I tried the RQS version of their Northern lights auto, had plant almost as large as tall like 3x4 and had 4 of them in a 3x3 setup...had to move 3 out...not funny at all...

ya, i def don't want monsterz, lol...would like to keep em around 2 ft if poss...we'll see, lol
ok guyz, forgot to ask a ques...right now, i got the girlz 17" from the light, so they'll have a lil added warmth for starting out (is 79-80f at plant level right now) long before i move em back down a bit & how far-?
ok guyz, forgot to ask a ques...right now, i got the girlz 17" from the light, so they'll have a lil added warmth for starting out (is 79-80f at plant level right now) long before i move em back down a bit & how far-?

I'd be really careful with the light close to seedlings, I have BBQ'd more of 'em than I'd like to admit. Anything other than CFL/T5HO I'd even get to about 24" away, and just watch for stretching. How is the seedling looking? Any bleaching of the leaves? I am looking at your fist pic but guessing the lighter color is reflection?
I'd be really careful with the light close to seedlings, I have BBQ'd more of 'em than I'd like to admit. Anything other than CFL/T5HO I'd even get to about 24" away, and just watch for stretching. How is the seedling looking? Any bleaching of the leaves? I am looking at your fist pic but guessing the lighter color is reflection?

ya, there'z a bit of reflection from the BRIGHT-ass light & me shitty phone cam, lol...(shiverz) now i'm paranoid & think i'll move Harli back down a bit mebbe...Teresa hazn't broken ground, so me thinkz i'll leave her for now...temp is 78.3f atm, rh is 54%

ok, i jus looked & mebbe it'z me stoned eyez, but Harli duz look a bit light in color...mebbe...think i'll lower her back down...had her at 26" at first

p.s. me got a lot better camera, but it'z a hassle transferrin filez from it...jus sayin...

p.s. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] ok, moved Harli back down to 24", and once away from the light, her color lookz more or less normal, so...(fingerz crossed)
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Good Luck on your grow! I’ll keep up on your progress. Don’t worry about the other one hatching too much. Nature will do what nature wants to do. Plus your in a limited space so one would probably do well too and you could grow it larger :smoking:
Good Luck on your grow! I’ll keep up on your progress. Don’t worry about the other one hatching too much. Nature will do what nature wants to do. Plus your in a limited space so one would probably do well too and you could grow it larger :smoking:

thx annie :thumbsup: ya, i'm not worried bout Teresa comin least not yet, lol...that'z how i did me first grow, jus stuck the bean in the dirt & all was fine til i started fuckin the whole thing up, lol :rofl: me a good learner tho & ain't gonna make thoze mistakez this time :thumbsup: ...or at least that'z what the plan sez on paper, haha :rofl:
ya, there'z a bit of reflection from the BRIGHT-ass light & me shitty phone cam, lol...(shiverz) now i'm paranoid & think i'll move Harli back down a bit mebbe...Teresa hazn't broken ground, so me thinkz i'll leave her for now...temp is 78.3f atm, rh is 54%

ok, i jus looked & mebbe it'z me stoned eyez, but Harli duz look a bit light in color...mebbe...think i'll lower her back down...had her at 26" at first

p.s. me got a lot better camera, but it'z a hassle transferrin filez from it...jus sayin...

p.s. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] ok, moved Harli back down to 24", and once away from the light, her color lookz more or less normal, so...(fingerz crossed)

I think you're good at 24", I just had to lower my seedlings even more too and my LED's for the baby box are 54W total. Just keep an eye on them :thumbsup:
thx annie :thumbsup: ya, i'm not worried bout Teresa comin least not yet, lol...that'z how i did me first grow, jus stuck the bean in the dirt & all was fine til i started fuckin the whole thing up, lol :rofl: me a good learner tho & ain't gonna make thoze mistakez this time :thumbsup: ...or at least that'z what the plan sez on paper, haha :rofl:
Well I always say a well planned garden is the best garden. Even if it’s in a closet. Enjoy!
Hey Hey Hey! :D I followed a link from a HOTT chat box! ^_^

Soooo, where to start, lol. Well, truth be told, this will only be my second grow

Good luck with the 2nd grow ... Looks like you've gathered a good bunch of people from your first, so this one is gonna rock it!! ^_^

so growin to me is jus plain fun, and I look forward to havin u guyz ride along with me on this :thumbsup:

Cool!! I'll grab a ticket!!

Secondly, I'm jus growin for health, not wealth...jus wanna be able to support me own personal medicine & all is good.

Exellent - Exactly the right way to do it!!

Thirdly, in re to growin, I've alwayz been a let-it-grow-naturally type, alwayz thinkin "what would it be doin out there, in the wild-?" U guyz will probly hate me, lol, but I just ain't a fan of all the nutez, additivez, jus wanna KISS...plenty of light, good soil, and water em a couple timez a week, haha

We're the same person!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ... Seriously - Talk to me ^_^ I got my grow cycle down to the bare bones. The pro's sometimes call me "minimalist" (it's like a compliment....i "think")

Fourthly (is that even a word :confused1:), I live in a reallllly small place, with an even smaller grow area, so 2-3 plantz topz is all I can do

You could get away with just one when you're feeling braver :D .. It's not about the numbers .... it's how they Groooowwwwww :growing:

And lastly, the namez of me girlz are Harli & Teresa

Awww I used to name my girls ^_^ ... Don't become too attached though - it's only a 60-80 day relationship :rofl: :rofl: Don't wanna be harvesting with tears in your eyes!

Choo-Choo!! :biggrin:

I got my Ticket ... I'm running down the platform ..... I'm aboard!!! Chooo-Choooo (chuggah-chuggah-chuggah)

:pop: (popcorn from the snack bar in carriage 11)