2022 Summer Growtrain beanz rec'd! :D

yes, the eagle landed today, woot! :yay: no better way to start out a new page, eh-? :joy: tbh, i would have rec'd them yesterday on 4/20, buuut, sillee me, i placed the order last wed, and totally forgot the fact that spain takez 4-day fuckin weekendz for every conceivable holiday, so....:face: but fuck it, i got em now & that'z all that matterz ;) and now, since ur wonderin -> the list (all photoz this round)...

10x WW x BB (female seedz)
10x Critical+ (linda seedz)
9x Grandaddy Purple (blim burn seedz)
5x Green Scout Cookiez (bulk seed bank)
5x Tropicanna Cookiez (linda seedz)
5x Runtz (linda seedz)
5x Grapefruit
(linda seedz)

freebiez included...

4x Chemdog (green house seed co)
4x OG Kush (blim burn seedz)
3x Lemon Skunk
(green house seed co)

again, theze are all photoz, as i'm basically skippin any autoz this year....the plan is to grow 6 photoz in the good ol' 7 gal potz, which will def yield enuff to last til the fuckin cowz come home, so....moo :smoking: i'll be re-uzin last year'z soil, which i reamended last fall...it'z been sittin outside all winter in totez with lidz, and upon last check, is feelin nice and....moist :biggrin: still tho, i'm waitin on the weather to get a bit nicer still, so i can get out & dump-n-turn it all...about 80 gal worth :doh: i'll be planting june 1st, which is uzually when night tempz start stayin above 50f ;) i'll also be addin on to me od enclozure a bit, so a buzy time is to be had soon enuff, as good ol' Engine No 420 startz loadin the coal for the 2022 Summer Growtrain, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

2022 Summer Growtrain startz now! :D
hey hey hey kidz, it'z time to grow again! :woohoo: as of 6pm earlier this evening, the 2022 Summer Growtrain has officially left the station, so climb aboard & let'z fuckin rock! :headbang: i've spent this whole last month buildin up the rest of me choo-choo station out back & it'z now, finally, as i envizioned it a year ago when i started it, woot! :yay: i still got a couple thingz to do to it, but firstly, i got the east & west gatez built & put up, with lockz....

west gate....


east gate....


luon paneling on the inside to replace the 8x12' tarp i had up there that billowed like a fuckin sail in the wind....:doh:


the start of a pallet boardwalk that goez back to the area....it'z finished & longer now, so i'll edit in a diff pic later....


a longer gutter now, goin to a collection area beside the west gate...thoze are jus two 45 gal trash canz i got at walfart & will have a 2" spillover pipe hooked up in between whenever i get around to doin it, lol....


and last but not least, the best part, the clear roof panelz! :cooldance:


so ya, i been a buzy mofo, lol...whew! :whew: and to celebrate, how bout we plant sum beanz, eh-? :smoking: after soakin for about 42h, i planted my 6 photo beanz at 6pm....


they'll no doubt be gettin rearranged, but for now, in the front row, l-to-r, are ww x bb (female seedz), california orange (southern oregon seedz) & grandaddy purple (blimburn)....in the back, l-to-r, we have mmxx (t20mendocino), thunder banana (seedstockerz) & grapefruit (linda seedz)

i initially didn't plan on growin any autoz at all this year, but i ended up with around 30 gal xtra soil, so whether i want to or not, a handful of autoz will be gettin grown as well...i jus haven't decided which onez yet, lol :doh:

so there ya have it kidz & welcome aboard as the 2022 Summer Growtrain gatherz steam, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Summer growtrain update - 06/04/22
WW x BB, MMXX & Grapefruit photoz Day 2 ...all 3 germed yesterday, 06/03/22...into the brave new world! :yay:

WW x BB (female seedz)...already the strongest of the bunch -> cuz fs geneticz fuckin rock man! :headbang:


MMXX (t20 mendocino)...her lil cotyledonz were stuck together until today, when i helped get em apart ;)


Grapefruit (linda seedz)...


Gran Daddy Purple photo (blimburn) Day 1
...germed today, 06/04/22...and look, she'z already purple! :smoking:


so that makez 4 down, 2 still to go as the summer growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer growtrain update - 06/05/22
Thunder Banana photo (seedstockerz) Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :woody:


so that makez 5 outa 6 up now, with the cali orange bein the lone dissenter still :doh: the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Summer growtrain update - 06/12/22
(top-to-bottom) WWxBB, Grapefruit & MMXX photoz Day 10 :smoking:


Grandaddy Purple photo Day 9 :smoking:


Thunder Banana photo Day 8 :smoking:


theze lil fuckerz are jus....not....growing :nono: i keep hopin they're jus establishing rootz, blahblahblah, and will jus literally explode soon, but i'm jus not seein it & they all should def be bigger by this point, argh :wall: but, in any event, as u can see, the ww x bb is indeed the strong runner still, so no choice but to jus keep me fingerz crossed as the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer Growtrain Solstice Update - 06/21/22
WWxBB photo Day 19 :cool1:


MMXX photo Day 19 :cool1:


Thunder Banana photo Day 17 :cool1:


Grapefruit photo Day 19 :cool1:


and bringin up the rear...:doh: Grandaddy Purple photo Day 18 :cool1:


Happee Solstice to all & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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