Kali Day 24
Kali catchin the last remaining light...:cool1:


...and, a silleedawg pic :tongue: ppp


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Just scrolled through. Beautiful ladies:headbang:
The thread marked deal was an awesome add on. Wish more people would do that

heya jan, welcome aboard :toke: drinkz & snackz are in Car 11 :cheers: ppp
Roxy Day 44
Roxy Day 44 :smoking:


i've snipped a few fanz along the way & did some minor branch tying on the lowerz a few dayz ago...she'z got a wee bit o' tip burn goin on now, but hey, she lookz far better than most o' me plantz uzually do at this age :rofl: ya gotta remember that she got a bit stunted back at the start, and thus, wazn't topped, but she'z 13" tall now & seemz to have stopped herself at the 11th floor, with around 14 branch colaz besidez the main...she still getz mainly rainwater, with a dash of mc or bloom mebbe every third watering or so...all is good in the house of Roxy & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Bella Day 94
Bella Day 94 :smoking:


ok, this bitch is gettin chopped...and soon, cuz tbh, i'm jus plain tired o' lookin at her, lol :doh: i already know she'z in final stage, cuz it'z been 4 dayz & her soil is jus now gettin dry...i.e. she jus hazn't been drinkin, which is what happenz at the end, or at least in my experience so far :shrug: but the thing is, contrary to what the camera eye is tellin u, thoze budz may be all frosty & pretty & purple & such, but they're also airy af :nono: her trichz still have a wee bit o' clear here & there, but as far as i'm concerned, she'z all but done & will be comin down any day now, jus not sure when exactly...i'll be snippin off a tester bud tonite before bed to toke tomorrow jus to make sure, but ya, any day now :tang: i dunno, i jus don't seem to have had much luck with her or Penelope either one :shrug: i mean yeah, they got pretty color & all, but hey, me don't smoke color :doh: :rofl: ah well, stay choo-choo tuned kidz! :headbang: ppp

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