Introducing April :-)

ok, did u honestly think i'd come up with any other name this time-? -> hello, it'z a no-brainer, DUH! :rofl: :joy: i'm only hopehopehoping that my timing will play out right & she'll sprout on 4/20 :smokeit: i put her in to soak around 1pm today, so she'll be gettin planted tomorrow nite before bedtime...thus far, me beanz have alwayz sprouted in 2-3 dayz, so fingerz are def crossed...tick-tock & stay choo-choo-tumed! :headbang: ppp

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Good luck with that

thx dan :toke: tbh, i've learned thru experience that a good deal of the timing thing stemz from (no pun intended, lol) how deep the bean getz planted, so...we'll see ;) ppp
April planted
April planted :smoking:


per uzual, after 36h soakin, she went into the dirt late las nite/early this morn, around 3am...so now, it'z all...a matter...of timing :rolleyes2: this time, the bean did have a wee lil speartip tail pokin out, so she'z already on her way :biggrin:

to refresh, April is a bubble gum from 00 seedz, and i've made a couple slight variationz this time around...same 3L pot, but the soil is a 50/50 mix of ffhf & miracle-gro performance organicz, with added perlite, and of course, jus a plain peat mix up top for her to start out in ;) i also didn't put rockz in the bottom o' the pot like i alwayz have to help with drainage...so, a couple changez this time, but otherwize status quo...at least for now, lol...she'll be gettin misted with rainwater the first few dayz under her dome, which, by uzin the domez so far, i've been able to keep 70-75% rh & they luv it :thumbsup: i alwayz hate it when they outgrow it, lol (sniffle :rolleyes1: ) fingerz crossed for a 4/20 sprouting, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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April planted :smoking:

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per uzual, after 36h soakin, she went into the dirt late las nite/early this morn, around 3am...so now, it'z all...a matter...of timing :rolleyes2: this time, the bean did have a wee lil speartip tail pokin out, so she'z already on her way :biggrin:

to refresh, April is a bubble gum from 00 seedz, and i've made a couple slight variationz this time around...same 3L pot, but the soil is a 50/50 mix of ffhf & miracle-gro performance organicz, with added perlite, and of course, jus a plain peat mix up top for her to start out in ;) i also didn't put rockz in the bottom o' the pot like i alwayz have to help with drainage...so, a couple changez this time, but otherwize status quo...at least for now, lol...she'll be gettin misted with rainwater the first few dayz under her dome, which, by uzin the domez so far, i've been able to keep 70-75% rh & they luv it :thumbsup: i alwayz hate it when they outgrow it, lol (sniffle :rolleyes1: ) fingerz crossed for a 4/20 sprouting, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Love this part. The waiting game. I just had my two girls pop their heads up! Day 1 on our journey to infinity and beyond :baked: