Roxy Day 4
Roxy Day 4 :smoking:


well, it was touch & go for a couple dayz, but she did finally loze her helmet on her own :thumbsup: however, that thin lil stem was indeed concerning, so as shown in bottom right pic, me was able to mound up some xtra peat around her base to help hold her in place & hopefully, she'll be able to get a decent foothold, fingerz crossed :shrug: ppp

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Equinox bean score, woot!
preface: the following is a copy-n-paste from the buying seeds in us thread, becuz...well, why the heck not :rofl: :headbang: ppp

update, the eagle from Canna Gentics Bank landed today! :yay: however, it'z been a long day & i'm beat, so i'll come back & edit in the lowdown tomorrow (with pic :biggrin: ) in the meantime, it'z 2 thumbz up & kudoz to @OttoCBD for the reco! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ppp

ok, so it was a wee chilly in the heartland yesterday, but what better way to celebrate the first day of spring, than by pullin a nice, fat order o' beanz from ur mailbox, eh-? that'z the ticket! :joy:


so, to refresh, me placed me order mid-afternoon, friday the 13th, and it was in me box one week later, on the first day of spring...pretty neat how that turned out me thinkz :biggrin: for reference, cgb'z home office appearz to be in oregon, but the order itself was filled/sent from it happened, the order didn't get sent out til wed the 18th, but was sent priority mail w/tracking, in the standard priority mailer box...which at first, upon pullin outa me mailbox, i thought was def weighty, and rattled a bit, lol, but once i got it inside & opened it, all became clear...i mean wow, 00 seedz def don't fuck around when it comez to their class-act packaging! :yoinks: but more on that in a min ;) the purchase itself was trouble-free with me debit card, with an xtra $8 flat-rate shipping tacked on (perfectly acceptable by me), plus, cgb toss in a free 5-pak of one of their own strainz with each & every order, regardless of order amount :thumbsup: (see bottom of pic) mine was a pack of oregon watermelon cbd regz, which i actually have no use for, as i don't do photoz, but i figger what the hell & will probly jus uze em for tradin material later on or sumthin :shrug: i most likely coulda specified sumthin diff in me order notez at time of purchase, but tbh, i was in a hurry at the time & jus plain didn't think about it is all :shrug: the only small stickler was that they also charged salez tax on the purchase price, which i wazn't exactly expectin :doh:, but again, what the hell...the 00 seedz themselvez were dirt cheap to begin with imho ($25/5-pak), and once i had em all sittin in front of me, it was all about "salez tax be damned", haha :rolleyes2: for the record, cgb carriez apprx 20 diff breederz' seedz, both photo & auto, plus a few of their own strainz...their auto strainz include 00, fastbudz, barney'z farm, dinafem & dutch passion...oh, and they also give purchase pointz with each order, which can be uzed to shave off a few buckz on future orderz, which is cool beanz :thumbsup:

and now, lemme ramble on a sec about 00 seedz in particular, lol :smoking: i've yet to grow any 00 gear, but man, i jus get a gut feelin their shit is gonna be straight fuckin fire & me can't wait to start growin em out, oh ya! :headbang: again, i got 9 diff indica/indica dom strainz, all autofemz, and every single bean of each strain is nice, fat & plump! :biggrin: like, to the point they look like they're gonna sprout a tail any second right there in the vial, lol :yoinks: and 3 of the 9 even had an xtra bean tossed in :thumbsup: the beanz are all in lil snap-top vialz, which are then securely pasted to a namecard, and then, and this is where 00 def goez the xtra mile, the namecard/vial are each placed in their own specific strain/logo branded metal tin...metal, mind u! :yoinks: now, i ask, who else do u know that duz that-? nobody, that i meself can think of :nono: the way i figger it, if they weren't damn confident of the quality of their geneticz, they sure as hell wouldn't be spendin what has to be major xtra cost on that kind of packaging...i mean, think about that for a sec...g'head, i'll wait...:smoking: oh, and i almost didn't notice at first, but each lil tin also comez with a 00 logo sticker tossed in under the beanz :joy:

however, there is one thing that has me totally scratchin me head :paleo: ok, as stated, i sumhow already jus know their shit is gonna be fire, but all the same, it'd be nice to be able to check out a grow or two from peepz to confirm, right-? yeah well, there'z the rub -> the fact that, in all my extensive traveling thru afn forumworld, i've never seen any mention of 00 seedz, by anybody, even in'z alwayz mephisto-this, fastbudz-that,, wtf-?? i mean, 00 are indeed well known & have been around every bit as long as, or longer than, any of the otherz, and well, i find that jus plain weird & all but nonsensical, lol :shrug: but hey, that'z all gonna be changin, i assure u :muahaha: besidez imminent planz of fillin me own perpetual growtrain thread to the brim now with a vast plethora of 00 growz, hehe, i'm also gonna be buggin the shit outa hobbesy to get 00 seedz hooked up as a vendor on site...(a move i'll probly get put on the naughty step for due to straight up veracity on my part, lol, but hey, ya only go around once, so...:coffee: )

so ok, sorry for the extended ramble :rolleyes2:, and in concluzion, i give two thumbz up for
Canna Genetics Bank & stay choo-choo-tuned for the 00 express to go barrelin down the track soon! :headbang: ppp

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Bella is lookin yummy! :smiley1:

ya, watchin that purple come into life is def a trip, lol :coffee: however, as i touched on a few postz ago, the more i do watch it come to life, the more it bolsterz me suspicion that Bella is actually a purple lemonade, not a fastberry, and that sumhow or other, fastbudz got the beanz mixed up...oopz! :doh: i mean ya, i'm stoned 24/7, but not that stoned, to mix up two diff plantingz, 23d apart, lol :nono: but see, the plot only thickenz, cuz there'z three diff fastbudz strainz involved here, lol, and detailz notwithstanding, more with each passing day, i'll be damned if i can figger out which is which :rofl: (sigh) ah well, the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp