Indoor 420'z Auto Kush Grow :-)

Halloweed update :smoking:

Gracie Day 24

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Happee Halloweed kidz! :headbang: 6-3/4" tall, 13" wide, and it'z hard to tell by the bushiness, lol, but she'z now had her 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th set of orig fanz snipped to allow for light to all the new branch undergrowth...i left her 3rd set alone cuz they ain't blockin anything important & she of course is able to put em to good use as solar panelz at this stage ;) her 6th set will be gettin snipped as soon as is feazible & lst will be gettin put into action as well...she got about 8 oz of plain rainwater yesterday, ph'd to 6.0, but the runoff showed 6.9, which meanz the soil ph is way higher than i thought, like close to 8.0 probly :yoinks: needless to say, i'll be makin adjustmentz at next watering, which may or may not be with the mc, haven't decided yet :shrug: hope everybody has had a great halloween & all is well in Gracieland! :cool1: ppp
Halloweed update :smoking:

Gracie Day 24

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Happee Halloweed kidz! :headbang: 6-3/4" tall, 13" wide, and it'z hard to tell by the bushiness, lol, but she'z now had her 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th set of orig fanz snipped to allow for light to all the new branch undergrowth...i left her 3rd set alone cuz they ain't blockin anything important & she of course is able to put em to good use as solar panelz at this stage ;) her 6th set will be gettin snipped as soon as is feazible & lst will be gettin put into action as well...she got about 8 oz of plain rainwater yesterday, ph'd to 6.0, but the runoff showed 6.9, which meanz the soil ph is way higher than i thought, like close to 8.0 probly :yoinks: needless to say, i'll be makin adjustmentz at next watering, which may or may not be with the mc, haven't decided yet :shrug: hope everybody has had a great halloween & all is well in Gracieland! :cool1: ppp

strong start hombre...some healthy looking plantage reet there! proppa job :bow:
Day 26
Gracie Day 26 :smoking:


7" tall & not quite as wide now as she was, cuz me did g'head & snip her 3rd set this morn...her 6th set has been tucked for now, but will also be gettin the snip either late tonite or mebbe tomorrow...technically, i could top her at the 6th now, but am gonna wait til the 7th...or mebbe 8th...or i'm thinkin jus let her go, lol...hell, idk :rolleyes2: either way, lst will start soon, but not quite yet...she got jus plain water today...her color & overall look is good, so i'm simply waitin on her to tell me when she might be ready for some o' the mc...all in all, i gotta say at this point that unless i totally fuck up (again), the female seedz geneticz do appear worthy, so fingerz are crossed, choo-choo! :joy: ppp
Day 27
Gracie Day 27 :smoking:


ok, me wazn't plannin on doin an update today, but me jus couldn't help it, cuz me jus so happee with how Gracie is lookin today! :yay: finally got rid of that 6th set of orig fanz & she jus lookz so nice & balanced now :biggrin: she has her 7th set up top there, with 8th & 9th squeezin up thru, but all other growth u see below that is new branch growth...and yes, it woulda been sooooo ez to top her above #7 today, but me gonna have ballz & wait til #8...i never count the branchez from the very first node & alwayz get rid o' them sooner or later anyway, so topping at #8 will end up givin me an even dozen budsitez, plus a couple for good meazure ;) ...or in case of catastrophe, given my record :rofl:

funnee thing tho...remember the plain water i said i gave her y-day-?...yeah well, i thought it was jus good ol' distilled, but it sure had a high ph, and i jus couldn't understand why :shrug: well, later in the afternoon, i suddenly realized that no, it wazn't distilled, it was tap :doh: i hadn't labeled the jugz, and well, u can guess the rest, haha :rolleyes2: but, at least it was well aerated beforehand, and i ph'd it to 5.8, but still got a runoff of 6.7, so again, the soil ph has to be sky high...but sumhow, against the oddz, she seemz to be luvin fact, she seemz the happiest yet after the tap water...who knew, lol :shrug:

also, me forgot to mention a couple entriez ago that yes, she'z been showin her pre-pistilz up the main stalk, so at least we know she is in fact a female...which, of course, is great to know, seein as how the beanz came from an outfit called female seedz, ahem...:rofl:

that'z it kidz & all is rockin in Gracieland! :headbang: ppp