Mephisto Genetics 4 X S.O.D.K. X ALIEN

bend over.jpg
Fifty Shades of Gray....Canna Style
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I'm gonna have to learn to do that I think...mine now are good but had they grown much taller I'd be in a mess...
Each LST is different. Going on the third nodule and bending is generally the rule. The girls are roughly three weeks old; root system is strong; stem bends easy too. As the main stem grows I'll move the wire and keep the main cola horizontal. As the bend in the stem gets stronger I can anchor the bend with a "U" hook pushed into the soil. The side branches that normally do not get as much light as the main stem will now reach for the light. There a hormone the plant has that triggers a response to the growth of the side branches to now be the main instead of one main stem, the plant has many main stems. After awhile a canopy will form of all the plants branches at the same height. Total light penetration. No more popcorn buds. A three foot plant is now a one foot plant. Go Horizontal.

I've had short rather than tall plants lately. No need to LST. After seeing the SODK X Alien monsters on other threads. I figured my new grow will need a bit of LST. Just by looking at their growth in less than three weeks shows that they will out grow the Armoire. Better to start the bondage now and let the fun begin.

No plant is harmed in anyway by LST. Gently bend and train..needs to be done slowly as the girls mature. Yields will surpass a vertical grow.

With a photosensitive plant it's even better. Keeping the girl in VEG and LST her for as long as you want. Using chicken wire to make a cylinder the same diameter of the plants container and LST it around the cylinder. Using side lighting as well as overhead lighting gives you a fliping big yield.

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:slap: You are correct sir. Paul was great along with Ernie Harwell.
I don't watch baseball on TV. My mom was a Dodger fan while they were in NY (Brooklyn). She hated the NY Yankees. Equated them to the Nazis. She always had the NY Mets on the radio...every game. There is something about listening to the game and doing work around the house or driving in the car. Really anytime.

I had an old tube Grundig Short Wave when I was a kid in the early 60's. We could get radio stations all over the USA and the world. Lot of religious stuff, but baseball and old time radio shows on the Armed Service Radio Stations was great. Jean Shepard on NYC stations...Wolf Man Jack (way before he went main stream) on a pirate radio station in Mexico. Black radio station in Baltimore that played all black music...even the radio stations were segregated back then.

I thought of you when I heard that Paul Carey passed on..Thanks for the reps.
Those look great, especially for 16 days old. Something's definitely gone wrong with my grow... About to scrap and restart

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