4 plants for a 70x70?

I'll check those seed banks out, for sure. It'll be September before I get started. I'm so glad for a resource like this. I've done so much research over the last couple of months & come to so many "final decisions" on so many areas of the set up only to completely change my mind after talking to someone or discovering a new piece of knowledge (this was a very long sentence).
"One big auto" is definitely something I'll be giving serious consideration to.

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Fast Buds Auto Green Crack about 80 days from seed to harvest.


I have grown this 4 times now and plan to grow it again sometime soon.

The entire grow is in this thread: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/green-crack-chems-sister.67429/page-4
That space is the perfect size to grow one big auto in a scrog. You could easily pull 6+ oz that way off of one of the auto strains know for size like a Critical XXL , Mephisto HBSS, or a DP Ultimate Auto etc.

Scrog that bad girl up and grow a monster.
Just read through that grow diary. Really informative & very impressive yields! What makes you recommend the green crack over the blueberry?

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It is not fussy. The Blueberry can be and I have had it fail.

I agree with @Archaic but I think you should get a couple of wins under your belt before you move on to advanced techniques.
Just had a quick look at those strains you've recommended. Of particular intrigue is the critical xxl. I did a double take when I saw how cheap the seeds are. Just over 3 euros a bean? Madness. I'll have to looking them more when I'm back from work but thanks for the direction.

@Mañ'O'Green Green crack seems like a fairly solid hit. With me having to dial the lights in on the first grow "not fussy" seems like a pretty strong prerequisite!

Fairly confident I can handle some basic techniques like scrog / let / topping etc & scrog seems like the least invasive way to fill out that space.

Have a good one everyone, whatever you're doing :)
@Mañ'O'Green Green Crack XXL seeds just arrived & the rest of the kit is starting to turn up now. About 3 weeks to go before I can hang my lights & I'm getting itchy .. can't wait :D
One thing I keep flip-flopping on is pot size. As I'll be running just one plant & want to maximise the space I'll want a decent sized pot but how big is too big??
I keep coming back to 5 gallon fabric bags. Is there any point in going bigger than that? Or is 5 gallon already too big & I could achieve the same yield from a 3 gallon?
I'm growing organically in soil.
Thanks :)
@Mañ'O'Green Green Crack XXL seeds just arrived & the rest of the kit is starting to turn up now. About 3 weeks to go before I can hang my lights & I'm getting itchy .. can't wait :D
One thing I keep flip-flopping on is pot size. As I'll be running just one plant & want to maximise the space I'll want a decent sized pot but how big is too big??
I keep coming back to 5 gallon fabric bags. Is there any point in going bigger than that? Or is 5 gallon already too big & I could achieve the same yield from a 3 gallon?
I'm growing organically in soil.
Thanks :)
I think I would use the 5 gallon pots. Watering them properly is important and this is where you can get ahead of the game. Wet your soil thoroughly as you put it into the pot but no run-off. Now weigh the pot and write it down. This is your full wet weight. Heft it also to get a feel for it. Now let the pot lose 50% of that weight. This is your time to water weight and you know how much to water. Bingo! The weight difference in water. Did I read about your soil in here? I will look back.
I think I would use the 5 gallon pots. Watering them properly is important and this is where you can get ahead of the game. Wet your soil thoroughly as you put it into the pot but no run-off. Now weigh the pot and write it down. This is your full wet weight. Heft it also to get a feel for it. Now let the pot lose 50% of that weight. This is your time to water weight and you know how much to water. Bingo! The weight difference in water. Did I read about your soil in here? I will look back.
Wet & dry bag weight. That's a great idea! I'll have to put bathroom scales on the list as well now :D
Soil is one of the other things I keep flitting about on. Used "bat special" before with decent results so possibly that for the bottom 2/3 & light mix on top...
Found a local company called "indoor organics" that have a pre mixed soil that looks good but a bit pricey (link below). It's comprised of the following:
Irish Sphagnum Peat Moss, Perlite, Thermophilic Compost, Worm Castings, Mealworm Frass (Charge), Neem Cake, Kelp (seaweed) meal, Crustacean meal, Volcanic Rockdust, Gypsum, Magnesium Limestone & Humic and Fulvic Acids.

Obviously also layered with light mix but Seems pretty ideal, right?
Was planning on inoculating with with a mycorrhizal & bacterial powder. Feeding with molasses, liquid kelp & liquid comfrey. Possibly do a topdressing once in flower but not sure that'll be necessary with everything else that's going on.
Think I'll bubble my water after reading a couple of things on here. My Tap water is around 7.5 but haven't tested it after 24hrs of oxygenation yet (read as ,"air stones still on shopping list").

The guys at indoor organics also do a "soil for life". It's a TLO soil & I'd like to go that way eventually but maybe not right off the bat :D


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